Is a shed a good sign, ie treatment is working?


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Yes, shedding is good because it´s your DHT-weakend hairs falling out for new, healthier hairs growing through. the thing is that hair takes a while to grow through, that´s why you´ll only really see results months in from starting the regime. give it 6 months at least.


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some people start growing thinker hair mid cycle, others just don't thin more, and others get a faster cycle and the shed is just hairs going into telogen so they can start anagen sooner. Minoxidil will no make your hair loss worse. If you get a shed, you know your hair cycle is going faster. If you don't get a shed, then you can be in one of the first two categories, but it will be more difficult to tell right away. Non shedders have to wait 4-6 months to see if they are getting good results. Shedders know right away that their hair cycle is speeding up. It does not mean you know you are getting above average results, it just means you know you are at least responding.


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^ since starting finasteride and minoxidil 5 weeks ago, i am not losing a single hair it seems. what wud u say this means? did u mean u can start growing thicker hair on the same strand without the thinner hair falling out first?