Is A Transplant Useless Without The Use Of Finasteride?


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Has anybody had a transplant without the use of Finasteride or Dutasteride?

How necessary is it to be on those medications?


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Has anybody had a transplant without the use of Finasteride or Dutasteride?

How necessary is it to be on those medications?

yup, that's me. Lost about 50% of my hair in the 8 months following and it never grew back. 1) expect Telogen Effluvium from a hair transplant. It's a no brainer. expect it. 2) if you're not a good responder to anti androgens, then what makes you think that lost hair will come back?

- if any hair transplant surgeon doesn't warn you of this and/or calls it "shock loss" then they are a fukin bastard. be warned.


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Yes. However some hair is better then no hair. Either way you are buying yourself time so it's a win situation. But given the choice and ability, it's a no brainer to use finasteride.

Your native hair is the most important element and factor towards a successful transplant. Your Norwood and history is what surgeons generally use as a long term plan towards your transplant goals, and future procedures.

Without finasteride it won't end well. Essentially it will require much more work to make the balding transition.

Transplants are only there to aid us to achieving the result we desire througg maitenance of our native hair. If your native hair is diffusing and you get a transplant yoy are constantly playing catch up.

Shockloss is another factor. Especially when transplanting in diffuse areas. Could potentially kill them off, all though I think the term shock loss is over played.. i experienceed Shockloss during my first fut procedure around the scar. A lot of trauma in a small area tends to result in shock loss. I don't think fue is a problem for most people.


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My hair transplant was almost exclusively on slick bald temples and to lower my hairline by 1 cm. Virtually no reinforcement done (you be the judge on whether this is stupid or not).
45 days post op I've shed most of the transplanted hair but no shock loss or telegen effluvium, despite quitting minoxidil for 20 days. That said, I've been on finasteride for 3 years


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I know one guy who did it at Feriduni's clinic and he had amazing results but he had only temple recession.

I think you're referring to me. It's true I had surgery without finasteride, and I know many other people do it too. As you point out, I "only" had a receding hairline, however I continued to lose hair, so I have had a second hair transplant since. This underscores the point that without finasteride, you will continue to lose hair and may require further surgeries. That said, even men who take finasteride have multiple hair transplants, and finasteride in long term users seems to lose effectiveness, so we see people trying drugs like dutasteride and even spironolactone. So, either way, anyone considering hair surgery should be aware that it's rarely a "one op" fix. As you say, in diffuse thinning the situation is even more complex, so if you are considering surgery it's important to consult with a doctor about proceeding to surgery without using a 5ar inhibitor, such as finasteride. A good doctor will also advise you about the risks of "post finasteride syndrome", so that you can make an informed decision.


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What people fail to realise that even those with male pattern baldness your entire scalp slowly erodes to the final pattern. Not just the recession areas, all though those are more prone within the pattern

Without finasteride you are speeding the rate at which you bald by over 70%


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Yeah even with finasteride/dutasteride your days are numbered. The really amazing hairline hair transplants leave a lot less grafts for future progression hair transplants. It's always a trade off, conservative or aggressive. Im pinning my hopes on Replicel/Kyocera for something a bit more permanent.


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I think you're referring to me. It's true I had surgery without finasteride, and
many other people do it too. As you point out, I "only" had a receding hairline, however I continued to lose hair, so I have had a second hair transplant since. This underscores the point that without finasteride, you will continue to lose hair and may require further surgeries. That said, even men who take finasteride have multiple hair transplants, and finasteride in long term users seems to lose effectiveness, so we see people trying drugs like dutasteride and even spironolactone. So, either way, anyone considering hair surgery should be aware that it's rarely a "one op" fix. As you say, in diffuse thinning the situation is even more complex, so if you are considering surgery it's important to consult with a doctor about proceeding to surgery without using a 5ar inhibitor, such as finasteride. A good doctor will also advise you about the risks of "post finasteride syndrome", so that you can make an informed decision.
Chrisis I hope all is well. I kept up to date when you were posting regularly about your prgress from your first transplant. Are you now taking medication to slow down any further hairloss? Will you be updating your fue blog with your second procedure, did you go with Dr Feriduni again?


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Chrisis I hope all is well. I kept up to date when you were posting regularly about your prgress from your first transplant. Are you now taking medication to slow down any further hairloss? Will you be updating your fue blog with your second procedure, did you go with Dr Feriduni again?

Hi farkhairloss,

I'm good thanks! I'm not taking any medication, due to an adverse reaction to finasteride. I did go again to Dr. Feriduni yes, and I'm happy with where I stand for the next few years. I will update my blog, as it there's some demand for me to. I will summon my photographer (my Dad!).


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Has anybody had a transplant without the use of Finasteride or Dutasteride?

How necessary is it to be on those medications?

I haven't gotten a hair transplant yet, but I learned from my first consultation that you do need to continue using your hair loss medications to maintain the results. It prevents the other hairs from progressing further.


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I know one guy who did it at Feriduni's clinic and he had amazing results but he had only temple recession. If you're a diffuse thinner it's more complicated but I guess it might be doable, depending on the hair loss in your family and how bad is your situation. Erdogan rejected me without the use of finasteride but Feriduni accepted me because I explained to him my situation. Feriduni is an amazing guy and top notch hair transplant surgeon, he is very expensive though but then again in my opinion it's better to save and pay more if you can for the best hair transplant possible then to pay less and risk getting subpar results.

Lol how can Erdogan reject you? Just be like "yeah sure I'll jump on finasteride brah" .. then throw the toxic sh*t away ...


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Lol how can Erdogan reject you? Just be like "yeah sure I'll jump on finasteride brah" .. then throw the toxic sh*t away ...
Yes, I'm taking finasteride and hope it will work for me. But, if I no longer wanted to take it, and a hair transplant surgeon made taking finasteride a deal breaker, I would simply lie and say I am taking it. It should also be noted that there is no proof that finasteride can stop hair loss indefinitely. We are just buying time.

dr. cole

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I think it's great if you use finasteride and minoxidil before and after a procedure(s). However, most of my patients are completely against oral medications. I can't say that I blame them because I would not want to be on a lifetime of anti-androgen drugs. I've seen patients with prolonged sexual dysfunction following finasteride an dutasteride. I've seen marriages break up over these drugs due to sexual dysfunction on finasteride. I've also seen people who responded to Propecia but failed to answer to generic 1 mg finasteride. I don't discourage the use of 1mg Propecia or quartered generic finasteride. I just don't' promote them. I discourage generic 1 mg finasteride. There are too many failures on this product.


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Yes, I'm taking finasteride and hope it will work for me. But, if I no longer wanted to take it, and a hair transplant surgeon made taking finasteride a deal breaker, I would simply lie and say I am taking it. It should also be noted that there is no proof that finasteride can stop hair loss indefinitely. We are just buying time.

Don't they map your scalp for miniaturisation beforehand?