Is big 3 enough to protect a new hair transplant?


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After an hair transplant, should I expect to have to get future procedures or can medications keep the look on their own?

I'm definitely thinking about going through with it after seeing some promising examples on this site. Thanks


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Well it depends where they're getting the hair from of course.
If it's from the horseshoe area, those hairs are DHT resistant and will not get effected by the male pattern baldness.
But yes if acquired from your scalp region those hairs will still get effected and your best hope to keep them is the big three.
I don't know what state your hair is in, but I doubt they'd get the hair from the non DHT resistant zone...especially since this would be your first hair transplant, I assume?


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Hey thanks SayifDoit.

I guess I should have been more specific. I'm a norwood 3v, so my Doctor will have to transplant all over my head (crown, vertex, and hairline). I used to be under the impression that being on finasteride and or min was enough to keep the hair from slowly creeping away and making the hair transplant look weird. Fred was saying that he payed for some extra grafts to use in the future just in case. I don't plan on getting of finasteride for at least a few more decades, but will it be enough to keep me from having to constantly get my hair tweaked by an hair transplant Doctor. I don't mind a couple of procedures. I just don't want it to be an ONGOING ordeal.