Study 1:
Effect of the 5α-reductase enzyme inhibitor dutasteride in the brain of intact and parkinsonian mice:
• Dutasteride prevented the MPTP-induced striatal loss of dopamine contents.
• Dutasteride prevented striatal MPTP-induced loss of DAT and VMAT2 transporters.
• Dutasteride increased striatal DAT binding and glycosylation.
• Dutasteride affected androgen and progesterone metabolism in brain and plasma.
• Dutasteride prevented MPTP-induced increase of GFAP.
Study 2:
The 5α-reductase inhibitor Dutasteride but not Finasteride protects dopamine neurons in the MPTP mouse model of Parkinson's disease:
• The 5α-reductase inhibitors Dutasteride and Finasteride were studied in MPTP mice.
• Dutasteride prevented the MPTP-induced striatal loss of dopamine concentrations.
• Dutasteride prevented striatal MPTP-induced loss of DAT and VMAT2 transporters.
• Finasteride did not protect striatal dopamine concentrations, DAT or VMAT2 levels.
• Dutasteride and Finasteride prevented MPTP-induced decreases of plasma testosterone.