Is Fue Feasible? Trying To Figure Out My Donor Area


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Hi chaps. I’m currently a 25yr old nw4ish en route to nw6/7. I’m considering FUE to create a hairline to frame the face, so with density prioritised at hairline and frontal third. The end goal would be a no guard or lowest grade buzz possible buzz cut for life. I suit a shaved head pretty well, but would much prefer a hairline of sorts and anything on top as opposed to a slick bald horse shoe pattern.

Everyone seems to have a different opinion on whether or not this is A) feasible, B) Possible, or C) worth the hassle. From what I’ve gathered it depends massively on your donor area. Since I know next to nothing about transplants and donor area etc, I was hoping that someone might be able to give some advice on whether my potential donor area is good or bad, capable or not of providing enough grafts to achieve the result I’m looking for...

So I attached current pics of my own hair, as well as pics of my dads hair as a indicator for what my hair loss pattern and future donor area is.

Thanks v much if anyone is able to help


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Since you're looking at a hair transplant mainly for the hairline, why not just go down the SMP route? You already have your hair shaved at a perfect length for it and you plan on keeping the buzzcut even after the hair transplant, so it seems like a bit of a waste. It will be much less expensive than a hair transplant with no recovery time.

It's hard to tell if your donor area is good enough or not, because of the length of your hair. You'll also have to keep scarring in mind as well should you go for a hair transplant. Keeping your hair at that length you can be sure many scars will be visible.

Cheers for replying - I’m not really as interested in SMP as I think they look fake and no one knows what happens to the ink in 20+ years time.

The FUE scarring doesn’t bother me at all as long as the punch size is small. And yeah that’s why I included a couple pics of my dad as you can see clearly what the donor area will be there