Is Generic Finasteride Good?


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I've just started Gen finasteride 1mg. I read on a forum that someone didn't trust generic finasteride. Most people say they buy at HousePharmacy which only seems to hold generic anyway. Where does everyone else buy theirs? Have you had good results?

Does anyone know of Pillsforall? I bought my Gen finasteride there. The box says "Folcres, Finasteride 1 mg" The brand seems to be "Panalab". Should I trust it? Should I just throw it out and start over somewhere else? I don't want to waste time.

People save with the 5mg Proscar, right? Can this only be bought with perscription? If so, how would you without one?



Established Member
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rkim said:
I've just started Gen finasteride 1mg. I read on a forum that someone didn't trust generic finasteride. Most people say they buy at HousePharmacy which only seems to hold generic anyway. Where does everyone else buy theirs? Have you had good results?

I am speaking from my own perspective. I would not trust an online pharmacy simply to save money. This is my hair, and I do not want to take any risks. I would prefer to go to a reputable retail pharmacy, using a prescription from a physician. You may be able to get legitimate prescription for Proscar, and save money that way. What good is it to save money if you are not getting what you pay for? Again, my perspective only.


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Weepy said:
I am speaking from my own perspective. I would not trust an online pharmacy simply to save money. This is my hair, and I do not want to take any risks. I would prefer to go to a reputable retail pharmacy, using a prescription from a physician. You may be able to get legitimate prescription for Proscar, and save money that way. What good is it to save money if you are not getting what you pay for? Again, my perspective only.

I agree. I used to get my Proscar from Mexico but in the back of my mind there was always the thought that it may be counterfeit. Now I've found a doctor who'll write a prescription for Proscar and now I get it at Sav-on. I've no doubt now that I'm taking the real thing.