Is Hair Shedding On A Hair Loss Treatment A Good Or Bad Sign?


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Hi everyone.
A bit about me, 22 years old, norwood 2, hair athinning. Not on any treatments.

I was just wondering is shredding a bad or good sign?

I ask this because, about 6 months ago i was experiencing a moderate amount of hair shredding. Every time i'd run my hands through my hair or have a shower, i would notice lots of hairs fall out. But during this period my hair seemed thick.

Over the last few months i've noticed my 'shredding' regress. Every time I run my hands through my hair i'd notice only a few hairs fall out. BUT, my hair is noticeably getting thinner. I got a haircut recently and my temples look very thin. This has me worried. However Lately, i've noticed an increase amount of shredding. Similar to my experience 6 months ago. Surprisingly, my hair seems to have gotten thicker. I'm not sure what i've been doing but it seems to be growing faster and thicker even though i am shredding more hairs!

So is shredding a good or bad sign? What's going on?