Is It A Hair Transplant Or Good Hair System?


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Look at this guy. Is it just for me or his hairline looks kinda unnatural?

And this is how he looked in early 20th and earlier

His older brother:


So, obviously he did something with his hair loss. But what exactly anyone don't know. Is it possible to achieve such density with finasteride/dutasteride and hair transplant? Maybe diet and regular excercises also have some great impact on hair regrowth, cause he is a vegan and practice yoga every day unlike his brother. Or maybe it's just a very good hair system? What do you think?
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It's just f*****g ridiculous how he went from a pencil neck generic baldy to a pretty handsome (relatively speaking) guy.
Although in some pictures his hair system looks a bit over the top and in other pictures it fits him very well.


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It's a system. No other 'treatment' can achieve what he has.

Why would someone be exposed? Unless you rip it off in public yourself or someone inspects you with a microscope, nobody is going to know. I'm tempted to try a system even if I don't need it right now, just to see what it's like and if it's such a pain to maintain as people claim.


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It's a system. No other 'treatment' can achieve what he has.

Why would someone be exposed? Unless you rip it off in public yourself or someone inspects you with a microscope, nobody is going to know. I'm tempted to try a system even if I don't need it right now, just to see what it's like and if it's such a pain to maintain as people claim.



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My father has been wearing for 37 years, he says it's not a viable solution.

He can get away with it because he has no life. His life is his hair piece. Always has been.

@shookwun has confirmed this.

It's just not a viable solution for hair loss, to the point that just shaving it off would actually make you happier in the long-term, since you'd have your freedom, despite being uglier.

I guess they should stop the hair system industry based on your father's testimony, then. It's also kind of ironic to speak of 'freedom' in this sense on a hair loss forum. Nobody here is 'free', hair system or not.


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There is no hair system industry.

My father always end up 'alone' at his salon.

Because every single guy he's seen there in 37 years has given up on it at a point, whether it was in a month, a year, five years. They couldn't take it anymore. No sane human being can.

But my father is not that sane. He has OCD's that are similar to mine, when he has an idea in mind, he never gives up on it. And his idea is: "hair at all costs!"

No more travelling, going in the sun, swimming, horseback riding, sports, heavy drinking (you must know what you are doing at all times), and many many other things, basically a life not worth living.

There's no use coping about it anymore. Shookwun has confirmed what I've been saying based on my father's experience.
wow strong fuking cope. I get it hairloss is farking brutal but its sad that people are willing to sacrifice so much for an illusion. I never understood old people who are generally considered ugly to care so much about hair. I mean at that point is anyone really going to give a fuk, or notice how you became 'uglier' when you are already ugly.

I thought hair systems were strong tho, are they really that delicate?

Also that guy in the OP gives me the goddam creeps for some reason.


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Fred, you said that without the wig, your mom would have rejected your dad. Is it possible that without the wig he could have ended up alone and without a family? Maybe that wig is the best thing that ever happened to him, and worth more than swimming, drinking excessively and travelling?
Of course he should have let it go by now, but in his younger days it may have been a godsend...


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No more travelling, going in the sun, swimming, horseback riding, sports, heavy drinking (you must know what you are doing at all times), and many many other things, basically a life not worth living.

To you. Your definition of a life worth living isn't shared by every person in the world. There is a guy on youtube that tests hair systems by swimming, going to theme parks, doing all kinds of stuff and nothing happens. That thing is on his head no matter what. You're implying that he is faking it somehow?

Also, if those activities are restricted by hair systems, life is far worse with a comb over.
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I haven't tried a hair system but dam they look so good, better than natural hair! The mental barrier is the real issue I think, rather than the maintenance.
I genuinely believe that for people who look sh*t bald, with bad hair transplant characteristics, a system could genuinely improve their lives and appearance. That mental barrier though... To glueing fake hair to your head and the fear of getting busted... Is it better or worse than dealing with looming ugly/old/unhealthy before your time?


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Why would you say that?

Baldness is a disease, a disorder.

Anyone who corrects it has my respect.

If exposed, nobody is gonna look down on you.

THey might be thankful theyre not bald however.
Man a hair system is such a f*****g paradox

look amazing, but you're the ultimate pathetic untouchable if you're exposed


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Why would you say that?

Baldness is a disease, a disorder.

Anyone who corrects it has my respect.

If exposed, nobody is gonna look down on you.

THey might be thankful theyre not bald however.


Pull a wig off your head to expose a bald head in public and let us know how it goes

Not saying it's justified, it's not, but if people don't sh*t on you and forever look down on you from that point forward, I would be shocked

Sad reality of the balding stigma


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It's an hair system, in my opinion the hairline is too dense, you should see scalp and be thinner.

In this one it looks good:


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People live and date with fake teeth, breasts, buttocks, etc. Let's not make mountains out of molehills.

Ultimately it depends on the person. It seems to fit him very well and his appearance clearly matters to him. I say go for it.

To answer the OP question: No, that isn't good diet and exercise. The aforementioned two will seriously delay more hair loss but you aren't going to gain without drugs / transplants.

Think of it this way. You can purify the water in a dye only so much. There will still be enough DHT in the tissue to prevent hair follicles from doing anything. Especially with blood vessel damage. Diet and exercise are still highly recommended.
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He is a billionaire and is very popular in Russia btw, so he simply can afford to do hair transplant every f*****g day. So I tend to think this is a good hair transplant + meds or maybe even low dose HRT, cause he looks very young. Sometimes he wears a cap on public.
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No, it's definitely a hair system. Transplanting is not capable of creating that result from that starting point.

One can argue about whether he should have gone for a lower density system, or a more graduated hairline, but in my view 99.9% of the population would not be able to tell that is not his real hair unless they saw the "before" pictures (and even then a significant number are not sure, as this thread shows). And he looks so much better with hair.