
Is it balding or panicking :)


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Hey guys, after long time of delaying this from me i accepted that i might be balding as my father did. So here i am making my first topic.
My grandfather has more hair than 70 % of ppl at his age :D My father tho is bald. At the moment i am trying to understand if im balding or my hairline is receeding due to maturity.
Problem exists mostly on sides of my head, you can also notice form close that hair is thinner there.
Here i am posting some pictures.Any help will be much appreciated! :)
PS.Im sorry for my english, it is not my native language:/


Cincinnati Kid

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Dude, I could argue, from the pictures that you posted, that you're still rocking a solid Norwood 1 with no hair loss in the front whatsoever. Just look at how far forward you temples are. They practically line up with the outside of your eyebrows (just look at picture 4). Most men would give their right arm to get their temples back like that. At worst you could say that the top portion of your temples is drifting back a little bit toward NW2 status, which is -- according to doctors -- still not balding, but merely a maturation of the hairline. Like my dermatologist told me, and advice he gives to all men worrying about their hairline, just grab your smartphone and take a few snapshots of your hairline like every 4 months or so, upload it them to your computer and label them by date. This way you have a timeline to see if you're worsening or not. So a few pictures 2-3 times a year to give yourself some peace of mind isn't too difficult, right? Right now, though, I would say you have nothing to worry about in the least.


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You have definitly made my day! :) tho you mentioned top portion of my temples and thats the part im mostly afraid of and I didnt know how it is called. its not noticable on pictures but hair in that area (mostly right side) is thinner , rare and bleached (picture 4). I was thinking that it can be mostly damaged by me. And of course you are right, making pictures once in a while is not problem and can save much stress :)


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That's a better hairline than most women's.


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thanks guys for all the replies, tho ill mention again that its not hairline on front i am concerned about. as Cincinnati Kid mentioned its about top portion of my temples :) but according to title of my topic i guess second part of it is true :)


Established Member
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Your hairline is better than my girlfriend's, but then… I don't have a girlfriend :(


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I don't see too much going on in your pics. Cincinnati kid said it right. Document with pics. If it is more than a mature hair line, then start treatments.