Is it even a risk anymore to get a norwood 1?


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Lets say a young male who's 22 is a thick norwood 2. Would it be a risk with all the new studies and technologies coming out if he gets a NW1 back. This i considering hes on dutasteride + RU + minoxidil.

Are doctors going to start being more lenient with these cases in the near future.


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Lets say a young male who's 22 is a thick norwood 2. Would it be a risk with all the new studies and technologies coming out if he gets a NW1 back. This i considering hes on dutasteride + RU + minoxidil.

Are doctors going to start being more lenient with these cases in the near future.

no, they won't...any doctor worth his license will laugh in the face of a 22 year old whose a thick NW2


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NW2 looks perfectly fine guys, lets not be greedy about this.


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If you're a thick NW2, you might not even lose one knows to what extent your hairloss will stop or continue...If you're starting to diffuse thin, that's different, but most young men will recede a lit bit into NW2 territory naturally, and it ends there until middle age..

...finasteride is a dangerous drug...don't let anyone one here tell you otherwise -- my doctor, at one time, told me "this is nasty s-h-i-t"