Is it just me or..

Bone Daddy

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does anyone else seem to shed (naturally) in the evenings? When I shed I find its always in the evening. Does this sound wierd?


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When you notice you "shedding", are you just reading a book or something and hairs fall in front of you, or are you running your hand through your hair over the sink to see if you are shedding?

I ask because I noticed the same thing, but I think I figured it out. You take a shower in the morning, and those hairs that are loose and about to shed come out then. You get out, dry off, style your hair, and you might notice a few more, but the majority came out while shampooing 5 minutes ago.

Then you go about your day, and some other hairs might come loose, about to shed. But unless you agitate them, they aren't going to jump from your head onto the ground. They will likely stick to other hairs on your head, until you get home, and either 1) showe in the evening, or 2) shake your head over the sink.

Make sense? Not saying this is why. Perhaps more hairs are shed in the evening than in the morning.

The Gardener

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I agree with El Guapo. Shedding, and the supposed 'measurement of' by people by attempting to count hairs here and there has got to be one of the most un-scientific observations that an male pattern baldness person can make.

The shedder

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Counting hairs will just make you sick in my opinion. If you lose less hair when you shower that can be a decent gauge, but counting each individual hair I'd try to avoid.

Bone Daddy

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Did'nt say I was counting hairs (yet) and I don't take a shower in the morning. I take it at about 10:00 at night. I don't see any fall out on my pillow or shoulders, falling out randomly, etc. until about 6:00 on till bedtime. After that time, I see it on my shoulders, if I comb, rub my head, but still none in the shower.. but then again Ive been thinning for a looong while I believe.

I am trieng to figure out on average how much I usually shed, that way when I start each part of my regimin I can see just how its effecting me.

Starting nizoral wednesday, and then finasteride shortly after.

I just noticed where my scalp was inflamed a few months ago where I scratched is a bare spot, It's my fault hope it grows back. :evil: