is it just me...


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is it just me or are the majority of people in here people that post here are like just in there first couple months of treatment with finasteride and minoxidil? it seems like people that have been doing this for years just aren't posting, and you'd think there would be a lot of these since the drug has been around for years. Is that because after this time, it usually starts working and people just stop worrying? i swear everyone says on "on my second month of propecia" just curious if there are any long time users out there that had the treatments work, and are just not worrying about it anymore, let us new guys know! thanks


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Read my past posts. I've been on finasteride for 4+ years, having started summer of 2000 when I turned 18. It has worked for me until this point in maintaining/regrowing to the point that I am a Norwood 0.5 at best. But in the last year I've noticed my results slipping, probably just male pattern baldness catching up with me.



14 months on minoxidil/Proscar/Ketoconazole, thickening up, filling in, looking good.


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18 months sweetheart.... just got my noggin cut today and its looking good, just wish the left side would fill in a tad more to match the right


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if you were treating ur hair for years and ur treatments were working would u care to still go to this site and bother talking about it as much as u did when u started?



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marsbtchsx said:
if you were treating ur hair for years and ur treatments were working would u care to still go to this site and bother talking about it as much as u did when u started?


Just trying to help people out buddy so kids like you don't get lost in the park.




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2 years, two months. Total maintainence, some regrowth from baseline. No side effects.

All is well.


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Trent8 said:
Is that because after this time, it usually starts working and people just stop worrying?



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Just trying to help people out buddy so kids like you don't get lost in the park.


what? where the hell did that come from? i kno some people that have been using treatments for a long time still stick urself for example...and i kno ur here to help people out....and its cool that u guys do it so we that have just started treatments have someone to b**ch about stupid sh*t to....but i wasnt saying or implying anything bad about any of those people i dont understand the sarcasm :salut:


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i wasn't trying to be mean or sarcastic, just wanted to know that there are people here that the products are really working for and have been on it awhile, i can totally understand that these people would just want to get on with their life and not visit this site all the time, i just wanted reassurance that THAT was what was happening, and not that people just stop coming because they gave up and the products don't work. thanks for all your replies, coming up on 3 months for me, either i'm getting a TON of regrowth, or there are a ton of half inch dying hairs along my hairline, hopefully not the latter!