is it normal for the area of transplant to be slightly bumpy


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Hi its been just over three months since i had my temples filled in. the area is still slightly red but i understand that is normal in some cases, but at certain angles it look prickely (bumpy). I get the odd spot (ingrown hair) but this is different could it be that the insertions are not deep enough or maybe its just where there hairs will break free. I have not quite seen the same effect in other pics i have seen. very worried


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Re: is it normal for the area of transplay to be slightly bumpy

Its called cobblestoning the surgeon did'nt plant the follicle in exactly at the correct depth. Hopefully when its all grown out it wont be noticible, but it does happen.


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Cheers saf thats what i was afraid of. will have to wait and see how it turns out might not look as bad when the redness dies down but at the mo i still go out with a hat cause it cause looks so obviously tempered with : (


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dazzerler said:
Hi its been just over three months since i had my temples filled in. the area is still slightly red but i understand that is normal in some cases, but at certain angles it look prickely (bumpy). I get the odd spot (ingrown hair) but this is different could it be that the insertions are not deep enough or maybe its just where there hairs will break free. I have not quite seen the same effect in other pics i have seen. very worried
who did youre work ?


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Unfortunatly i had my work done before i discovered this site when i was at my lowest, depressed and a bit emotional. I was lured in by the ads in the mens mags and was rushed in to beleiving they had the cure. I got my work done by the Noble Clinic in Llondon (Gatwick) I beleive saf had an experience there a few years ago looking at the past boards. I now know what i done was a mistake and if i had found the help and surrport on the site before hand i would have never had made it. The good news is even though the preocedure was a distaster and i still dont know how im going to cope with it at the mo with the help on here i have some comfort in knowing that i am now doing all i can to help matain and restore what hair i had left. But a message to all thoughs that dont know and are new here do not make the same mistake do research a lot of research before going down the transplant route and get a routein going and stick at it and you might not even think you need the op any more. The progrss i have made with my routein would have been anough to not make me think about getting a hair transplant wich is upsetting and a good thing.