Is it normal to shed so many fine hairs (Pic)


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Hi all, I've been on Propecia and Rogaine for 2 months and 1 month respectively and while I don't shed a lot of long hairs (around 2.5 inches) I shed A LOT of finer hairs. The hairs are around 1 cm long and over a course of a week my bedroom floor is full of them. I'm really starting to worry as my scalp is visible through my hair in the temple region and have little hair on crown so I feel I really need these fine hairs so I can have some density.

Is this normal finasteride/minoxidil shed? Below is a picture of the type of hairs I shed. Any help is greatly appreciated.



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These are the weaker hairs that are being shed. The idea is that they shed and grow back stronger so in theory this is good.