Is it OK to ask someone what meds he's using for his hair?


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There is this guy I know. I met him for the first time about a year and a half ago. I'd say he was a NW5, very diffused on top.

The last few times I met him, his hair looks different. His hair still looks lifeless, but much thicker than before. The funny thing is, I saw some pics on FB and he doesn't look bald at all. Because he's a diffuse thinner, the new volume he gained is giving the impression that he's got hair.

Whatever he's using is working. His hair is far from perfect, but much better.

The next time I bump into him, I might ask what he's using. I don't think he's got an hair transplant, my bet is on minoxidil or finasteride.

Quantum Cat

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mention that you're taking hair loss meds casually in a conversation, and he'll probably tell you what he takes.

Otherwise go over to his house and say you need the bathroom - then have a good rummage around.


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There's a kid in work with diffuse norwood 6 pattern. He's 19 and the past few months his hair is starting too look like he wasnt balding at all. I think he's on the meds (propecia/proscar). I dont want too ask him due to his age as that would be embarrassing for him. If he was like 10-15 years older i'd be inclined to ask.


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Prolly finasteride and min. That or he's using a concealer.

You could ask him, doubt it will hurt any, though he may lie.

Or he had stress related hairloss on top of male pattern baldness and some grew back :dunno:


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Obviously if you're going to ask be very tactful. Make sure its done in total privacy and firstly confess about your own worries about hairloss.