is it ok to


Established Member
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Ok i HATE the packaging they use for PROPECIA i mean its just so annoying i was wondering if its ok to take all the pills out of the (whatever you call it that we get our propecia in) and put them in a empty medicine container that was once used for paxil? I hope someone understands what im asking lol :hairy: :freaked2: :freaked: :!:

Nixon's Head

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The walmart pharmacy put my proscar tablets in an old Vioxx bottle.

The propecia tablets are coated so there should be no problem puting them in another bottle. You might want to tap out the bottle to make sure that there is no more paxil left in the bottle. You could also use a paper towel to wipe out the insides. You could even wash it out a little.

And I agree, the packaging for propecia is gay. Also, you might as well just let everyone know that you have male pattern baldness. I put my minoxidil in bottles without the labels. I dont want one of my nieces coming into my room and outing me. Hey why dont I just put some wet minoxidil on my scalp just before going on a date. Good Idea!

I hope that what you were asking.


Nixon's Head said:
I put my minoxidil in bottles without the labels. I dont want one of my nieces coming into my room and outing me.

Nixon's Head, I posted this a while back, but I thought it was due a repost in light of your comments.

For all of you people who don't like to advertise the fact that you are going bald, I have made you a Rogaine Vanity Label®Ty2004

Simply peel the Rogaine/Regaine/Kirkland label off and glue this here baby on. I designed it to fit around a standard 60ml Rogaine bottle.

Great for all you college kids, the bastards will never know, mmuuuhhaaahahahahahah.....

Printed out at 67mm it should be around 225ppi so quality will look good. .



Established Member
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why do they keep propecia in those stupid little boxes instead of putting them in bottles like the rest of the perscriptions? just to announce to the world that we are balding lol


Senior Member
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cateyes81 said:
why do they keep propecia in those stupid little boxes instead of putting them in bottles like the rest of the perscriptions?

Mine is shipped in bottles



Established Member
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I don't know what kind of packaging you have - but here Propecia comes in small boxes, packaged in aluminium(I guess)-covered slots with the name of the weeks days printed on each slot.

My memory is fucked up from a number of depressions and their treatment, so I find this kind of packaging quite useful actually. :S

Nixon's Head

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Could you do something for my bottle of impotency drugs? :)
Very well done by the way