Is it okay to get a hair transplant in my current situation?

Will Be an Egg in 5 years

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The point isn't the price, but the fact that you have to wait your final pattern or at least to wait It for stabilize. But If you're willing to do so, go ahead and be happy.


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The point isn't the price, but the fact that you have to wait your final pattern or at least to wait It for stabilize. But If you're willing to do so, go ahead and be happy.
Is 1 year enough to determine whether or not it's stable? The first picture was from November of last year and you can see it hasn't gotten any worse, also not much better from the finasteride.

Will Be an Egg in 5 years

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Is 1 year enough to determine whether or not it's stable? The first picture was from November of last year and you can see it hasn't gotten any worse, also not much better from the finasteride.
Well, a lot of doctors say you must be at least 25-26 because is when your pattern is well defined. Others says to wait till your late 30s. But you're already on finasteride, so is basically the same as needing to use It after the hair transplant


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I'd say go for it since you're also on finasteride. You want to have hair in your best years. I would advise you to be somewhat conservative though, no more than 2000 grafts.


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you have thin caliber hair, it may take more than one procedure to get a decent density. I would go for it now, we will soon have better options to maintain hair (clascoterone) without needing finasteride.
I had 2 FUE myself and could not be happier. Life is too short to wait, but be prepared that hair transplant cannot give a good density in one procedure unless you have the kind of super thick caliber to start with
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I would do the hair transplant in two steps
1) draw the hairline of your dream, based on what you like, not just a restoration of your original line or some conservative "future proof" compromised look.
The first hair transplant will give you that hairline and coverage but the density will be low and it won't look natural, yet

2) after a year, have another procedure to improve density by implanting more hair between the hair of hair transplant no1

You may need 3000 grafts or more per each hair transplant, so get the savings ready

You need to continue using hair meds, and add minoxidil as well

this will be a 2 year project but the end result should be very good. Don't go for FUT.
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A hair transplant is always risky. For reference:
-At around 19/20, my hairline matured to NW1.5/2, I didn't even realize it at the time.
-At 31, it was the same NW1.5/2 as before but noticed slight thinning and started finasteride.
-At 33, I added dutasteride.
-At 36 now, I almost need to shave my head.


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A hair transplant is always risky. For reference:
-At around 19/20, my hairline matured to NW1.5/2, I didn't even realize it at the time.
-At 31, it was the same NW1.5/2 as before but noticed slight thinning and started finasteride.
-At 33, I added dutasteride.
-At 36 now, I almost need to shave my head.


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I think you are a perfect candidate for hair transplant since you have nw3 with no diffuse thinining (intact forelock and more). You can probably get 3000 grafts with skilled surgeon and have a hair as good as before hairloss. Btw you have to use finasteride to help prevent losing more hair in the non-transfered zones and prevent thinning..


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I think you are a perfect candidate for hair transplant since you have nw3 with no diffuse thinining (intact forelock and more). You can probably get 3000 grafts with skilled surgeon and have a hair as good as before hairloss. Btw you have to use finasteride to help prevent losing more hair in the non-transfered zones and prevent thinning..
Do you think I've already hit norwood 3? I didn't think I was there just yet.

Will Be an Egg in 5 years

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A hair transplant is always risky. For reference:
-At around 19/20, my hairline matured to NW1.5/2, I didn't even realize it at the time.
-At 31, it was the same NW1.5/2 as before but noticed slight thinning and started finasteride.
-At 33, I added dutasteride.
-At 36 now, I almost need to shave my head.

So, basically, you har got worse on dutasteride? It makes no sense.


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Well a bit of an update. After searching through hair transplant clinics in my area I found out that Hasson and Wong have a location near me. I reached out through email with pictures of my hairline, crown and donor area and one of the consultants responded back saying that the doctors reviewed my case and think I would be a good candidate for a small 1500-2000 graft procedure to restore the hairline. I'm both excited and extremely nervous. This is a source of constant anxiety for me and it looks like the light at the end of the tunnel is appearing, but a procedure like this is nerve wracking, especially having to explain to the situation to family and friends. I also expressed my concerns of having a procedure at such a young age but considering these guys are known as some of the leading experts in the world I think I can trust their assessment.


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Well a bit of an update. After searching through hair transplant clinics in my area I found out that Hasson and Wong have a location near me. I reached out through email with pictures of my hairline, crown and donor area and one of the consultants responded back saying that the doctors reviewed my case and think I would be a good candidate for a small 1500-2000 graft procedure to restore the hairline. I'm both excited and extremely nervous. This is a source of constant anxiety for me and it looks like the light at the end of the tunnel is appearing, but a procedure like this is nerve wracking, especially having to explain to the situation to family and friends. I also expressed my concerns of having a procedure at such a young age but considering these guys are known as some of the leading experts in the world I think I can trust their assessment.
Don’t go over 1500 and can you wait? I think if you wait another 3 years, you’d have better long term results.


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Don’t go over 1500 and can you wait? I think if you wait another 3 years, you’d have better long term results.
I'd rather not as the mental drain of dealing with this at such a young age is really starting to wear on me. I'm going to sit on the decision for another 6-8 months while I wait to see my final results from finasteride/min/derma and if I'm still unhappy with the results I'll go for it.

As for the grafts, I really only want my hairline moved just the tiniest bit forward so it looks even and healthy. I'm fine with the Don Draper Nw2 look and I'm not looking for my teenage hairline back. Just want something that isn't so noticeable and thin around the edges.


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I'd rather not as the mental drain of dealing with this at such a young age is really starting to wear on me. I'm going to sit on the decision for another 6-8 months while I wait to see my final results from finasteride/min/derma and if I'm still unhappy with the results I'll go for it.

As for the grafts, I really only want my hairline moved just the tiniest bit forward so it looks even and healthy. I'm fine with the Don Draper Nw2 look and I'm not looking for my teenage hairline back. Just want something that isn't so noticeable and thin around the edges.
Yup completely understandstable. I too am 22. Been dealing with it since 19. The first two years were awful, didn’t know how I’d “survive”, but it just gets easier. You don’t care as much anymore yet would love to get it fixed.

The only risk you run lowering it a tiny bit so young is the chance that it thins out just right after the implanted hair. Then it just looks silly, and you would have to get another hair transplant very soon.

If you could wait 2-3 years, it would be more ideal but whatever makes you feel better. Goodluck.


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I don't really see the point in getting a transplant to move your hairline by so little. IMO you should save the grafts for later in life if you lose significant ground.


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Do it. You can fix that with just a small transplant, then take finasteride and never worry about hair loss again.


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I'd wait honestly. Ur hair still looks great. If it makes you that self concious-- a little topik would do the trick my dude