Is it possible for an old scar to begin to have hair follicles die at a later time?


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Hey guys. In my post history in the past I've exhibited some pretty heavy paranoia about balding to be met with "you're not balding" to "you're definitely balding." I've mostly moved past this and still get huge bouts of shedding in the shower, etc. and my hairline as a whole has thinned quite a bit (enough to look weird in sunlight and bad overhead lighting but not anywhere else).

Aside from that, I've grown it out, pretty long actually, just as a last hurrah until the hairloss becomes noticeable enough for me to look really bad and have to shave it.

Anyways my situation now is this: About 7-10 years ago I was in a bad car crash that involved me getting a really bad burn on part of my scalp in the front of the hairline. Now, I don't remember where exactly, but since my hair has started thinning, there is a more noticeable area there that looks about where I got the burn from skidding my head off of the airbag. I guess my question is, is it possible that it's now manifesting itself and killing off my hair follicles? It's really weird because one side of my hairline is noticeably more patchy to me than the other side and there's one part of it that's especially thin. This has caused me to have to basically exclusively part my hair a certain way, otherwise I just look strange. If you guys would like pictures, I will oblige, but I'm just wondering if this is something that's possible. I know your cells in your body go through a 7-10 year cycle and I'm wondering if this is why it's happening and the cells that took damage are more susceptible to thinning than the others. All hair on my head has thinned to some degree (probably maturing hairline?) but more especially in this area.