Is It Possible For Hair To Grow After 3 Weeks?


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I had a fue transplant about 3 weeks ago and I have now noticed thick strong hair coming out on the scalp , I had white hair but the re-growth is dark brown .
Is it possible to have re-growth after only 3 weeks or is this only the first stage before the hair falls out and re-grows


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It's hard to say, but on some people not all the transplanted grafts fall out due to shock and instead some start growing, that may be what you are seeing.


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I dont think shock loss is actually as common as people make out. Some surgeons seem to add +3 month pics, +6/9/12 on their website results page. Some at 3 months seem to have fairly long hair again.


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After a hair transplant the grafts that were put in gradually grow, and essentially get pushed out by new hairs underneath. After wards there will be a dormant stage where the graft will stay asleep for about two-three months. patients will often experience both shedding, and gradual growth before the hair falls out. either way the result is generally the same and by a month post operation you will look like sh*t depending on how much native hair you had beforehand.

A lot of the surrounding hair will be in temporary shock depending on how much grafts were implanted within the surrounding area. Around a month post operation you will notice that most of these hairs in between the transplants will resume there cycle, and start growing after wards.

If you look closely you will notice a lot of these shocked grafts remain as stubble after a shave. These gradually resume there cycle of growth

What I have noticed from shock loss

- Areas that are completely bald (worst type)
- Hairs that remained in a shaved state, but either remain dormant or gradually grow at a snails pace (mutual)
- hairs that are terminal, and resume there cycle of growth without any interference (best)


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After a hair transplant the grafts that were put in gradually grow, and essentially get pushed out by new hairs underneath. After wards there will be a dormant stage where the graft will stay asleep for about two-three months. patients will often experience both shedding, and gradual growth before the hair falls out. either way the result is generally the same and by a month post operation you will look like sh*t depending on how much native hair you had beforehand.

A lot of the surrounding hair will be in temporary shock depending on how much grafts were implanted within the surrounding area. Around a month post operation you will notice that most of these hairs in between the transplants will resume there cycle, and start growing after wards.

If you look closely you will notice a lot of these shocked grafts remain as stubble after a shave. These gradually resume there cycle of growth

What I have noticed from shock loss

- Areas that are completely bald (worst type)
- Hairs that remained in a shaved state, but either remain dormant or gradually grow at a snails pace (mutual)
- hairs that are terminal, and resume there cycle of growth without any interference (best)
38 days since surgery and the hairs are still growing strong , maybe for some , hairs grow a lot faster than others .
I have had some waxing done in the past and the hairs have return in a day or two while some of my friends have had the same procedure and the hairs have taken weeks to re-appear .
Also some males get what is called a five o'clock shadow after saving while some don't get it .
Maybe curly hair grows faster than straight hair .


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A small percentage of grsfts may continue to grow, allthough it's rare that somebody doesn't shed post operation.

It depends on the hair, and how impacted they are as I already mentioned (native)


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It is super unlikely that you are having growth at 3 weeks. Some of this may be your scalp is less swollen and the grafts just look longer. The new hairs will (almost) all shed.


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It is super unlikely that you are having growth at 3 weeks. Some of this may be your scalp is less swollen and the grafts just look longer. The new hairs will (almost) all shed.
Coming up to the 8 weeks post op time , and the hairs are still growing strong .
As I stated elsewhere in this forum , I had this operation only after travelling from Australia to Turkey and the clinic that I had the booking with , would not do the operation as they said my blood pressure was 150/40 when in fact it was always 120/60 and it still is 120/60 now when taken in Australia after returning home .
It was a option to find a Doctor who would do it a very short notice and I found one as my stay in Turkey was only short , price given was $999 usa for 3,500 follicles fue.
In the hospital , I noticed many patient coming out of hair surgery and many surgeries in the hospital , and most patients appeared Turkish and maybe the locals know the best place to go to, the same as locals usually know the best cafes in a city .
The transplanted hair was implanted very close together bring an excellent result without any post surgery inflammation occurring and it appears the entire operations was done by experienced non -doctors , with the doctor briefly watching during the 8 hour operation .
In Australia previously , many years ago , I had a hair transplant done solely by an very experienced medical doctor who left scars and a bad result , so it is possible for non-medical doctors to do a better job on the basis that medical doctors have many options in the medical field and hair transplantation can be very repetitive work but non -medical hair transplanters have to have exceptional skills to be able to keep their jobs


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After hair transplant, the overall process of hair growth is somewhat slow because it may take 6 to 9 months to grow proper hairs on the head. So, we can't even imagine how much it will take.