Is it possible that propecia works less than 2 months???


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I don't lose much hair at all in the shower anymore.

wondering if this is common or what?

in september i'd lose 15-30 hair being gentle..

now it's like 5-10 even when i scrub hard.

I hope this is a good sign for things to come.


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Yes Propecia can work in 2 months.


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That would be the first noticeable effect if it was working. The 3 months thing is that you wont notice the difference for 3 months. What I mean by this is that with less shedding now, you should look better in three months after the next growing cycle then you would in 3 months if you were still shedding like mad.

Usually when people talk about seeing results they are talking about regrowth or significant improvement, that my friend will take as much as a year or longer. Just note that if it doesn't get too much worse then you are probably getting something out of the finasteride