Is it possible to combat hairloss with natural products?



I am reading many posts here, since yesterday, and have seen some negative posts about them.

But I also found many negative posts about the quimical products. So, now I am really confused. Not to name the scary side effects some have reported. :cry:

I can't still give my opinion, since I started drinking procerin yesterday. :)

What about you guys? What are your experiences?


Senior Member
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Procerin is a SCAM!!!

SCAM! SCAM! SCAM! SCAM! SCAM! SCAM................

Stop taking this NOW!
In answer to your question yes there are many natural treatments available, which many people use successfully here on this site. The thing is though they usually use them together with a clinically proven product (i.e. Finasteride, Minoxidil or Nizoral).
The supplement MSM seems very popular.


Hi trentender

May I ask you how long did you take Procerin before you came to this conclusion?

And what are you drinking actually instead of Procerin? Propecia?



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It's possible if you mug the guy who is selling you the natural treatments and use the money to be Finasteride and minoxidil.


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GoodGuy said:
Hi trentender

May I ask you how long did you take Procerin before you came to this conclusion?

And what are you drinking actually instead of Procerin? Propecia?


Search this forum, or any other hair loss forum and all you will fiind is negative posts in procerin.


trentender said:
GoodGuy said:
Hi trentender

May I ask you how long did you take Procerin before you came to this conclusion?

And what are you drinking actually instead of Procerin? Propecia?


Search this forum, or any other hair loss forum and all you will fiind is negative posts in procerin.

Thanks for the advice, but you did not answer my question. :)


Senior Member
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Well Ive been researching hairloss treatments for about a year, and all Ive ehard is negatives about Procerin so no I havent tried. Im about to start Propecia and Nizoral.


Established Member
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procerins main active ingredient for combatting hairloss in their tablets is saw palmetto - if you belive this will stop your hairloss then any saw palmetto supplement will do howevever - most of the opinion out there is that saw palmetto is not as effective as companies like to make out.


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I have held onto most of my hair through the seasonal use of Saw Palmetto. Of course, this would already be considered a thread that belongs in the "Expirimental treatments" forum since there is not a lot of research and study backround on natural treatments.


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GoodGuy said:
I am reading many posts here, since yesterday, and have seen some negative posts about them.

But I also found many negative posts about the quimical products. So, now I am really confused. Not to name the scary side effects some have reported. :cry:

I can't still give my opinion, since I started drinking procerin yesterday. :)

What about you guys? What are your experiences?
I think that nature has quite a bit to offer when it comes to male pattern baldness. Just have to find out how to properly use them. I know of someone who has completly stopped their hairloss with essential oils. Essential oils are natural. :)


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GoodGuy said:
But I also found many negative posts about the quimical products. So, now I am really confused. Not to name the scary side effects some have reported. :cry:

I can't still give my opinion, since I started drinking procerin yesterday. :)

What about you guys? What are your experiences?

Procerin is a S-C-A-M.

As far as saving your hair with a "natural" only routine I seriously doubt it. Though you're more then welcome to try as it is *your* hair to lose or keep :wink:

Despite all the crap that get said about Finasteride (Propecia/Proscar), finasteride is a very safe drug. I've been on it for almost 2yrs (will be 2 yrs sometime in November) and I never had a single side-effect from it.

Remember, not everyone that comes to these Internet sites are psychologically stable... Not only that, you must keep in mind that men who experience no side-effect dont really have a motivation to come back to these Internet sites and preach to others how great the stuff is!

So what you have, on average, is a board filled with some guys who have mental issues, some guys who were the few unlucky ones who did get side-effects, and the few who Finasteride did not work for.

A new guy like yourself then comes to a board like this for info and it would appear at first that Finasteride is a really "dangerous" drug when in fact it works for 80% of men and causes sexual side-effects in only 2% (and, for those 2% who did get side-effects of the sexual nature, such side-effects almost always disappear on their own as you continue treatment). Those are the FACTS.

Good luck!


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HairlossTalk said:
socks said:
Procerin is a S-C-A-M.
My Regimen: 320mg Saw Palmetto


LoL :D

Dont forget the 1.25mg of finasteride and 50mg of spironolactone I suck down too :wink:

The possibility (and I stress possibility) that SP might (I want to stress might too) have some anti-estrogenic properties is my main interest in it. I never felt, and still dont, that SP is a valid option for inhibiting the 5ar or blocking the ARs as nothing that I've read suggests it is adequately potent enough to do the job (if it even can when it comes to the scalp)... However, even in some of the studies that I've read that said it isnt effective in inhibiting the 5ar or blocking the ARs in the scalp doesnt rule out it might not have some mild effect. So if it does have some mild effect with androgens then maybe it has some mild effect with estrogens as well (as some claim)... Good enough for me since I'm not relying on the stuff in any way, shape, or form when it comes to my routine (I have Tamoxifen on standby).

Procerin however relies on SP as one of the main "ingredients" for halting/slowing hairloss and makes outrageous and, IMO, fictitious claims that it works. I dont feel the "natural" solutions that exist are adequate enough to halt or significantly slow male pattern baldness... If one wants to take SP with finasteride I say go for it (cant hurt IMO) but if one wants to just take SP (or worse over-priced SP that goes by the name Procerin) to treat hairloss I think they will be very disappointed!


socks said:
GoodGuy said:
But I also found many negative posts about the quimical products. So, now I am really confused. Not to name the scary side effects some have reported. :cry:

I can't still give my opinion, since I started drinking procerin yesterday. :)

What about you guys? What are your experiences?

Procerin is a S-C-A-M.

As far as saving your hair with a "natural" only routine I seriously doubt it. Though you're more then welcome to try as it is *your* hair to lose or keep :wink:

Despite all the crap that get said about Finasteride (Propecia/Proscar), finasteride is a very safe drug. I've been on it for almost 2yrs (will be 2 yrs sometime in November) and I never had a single side-effect from it.

Remember, not everyone that comes to these Internet sites are psychologically stable... Not only that, you must keep in mind that men who experience no side-effect dont really have a motivation to come back to these Internet sites and preach to others how great the stuff is!

So what you have, on average, is a board filled with some guys who have mental issues, some guys who were the few unlucky ones who did get side-effects, and the few who Finasteride did not work for.

A new guy like yourself then comes to a board like this for info and it would appear at first that Finasteride is a really "dangerous" drug when in fact it works for 80% of men and causes sexual side-effects in only 2% (and, for those 2% who did get side-effects of the sexual nature, such side-effects almost always disappear on their own as you continue treatment). Those are the FACTS.

Good luck!

Thank you so much man!




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HEy, Dice, how did the person you know keep all his hair, using essential oils? where can i get them, what type, how much...


New Member
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I think natural remedies could work

I may just be optimistic because I don't want to take finasteride/ propecia just yet..but I'd like to think topicals could work, like a combination of saw and like a dht inhibiting shampoo with somthing like revivogen. Just a thought. If you could eliminate most of the dht at the scalp and gradually reduce dht levels in your body maybe it could slow/stop loss? Hope that is followable


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Maybe is a big word around here. Keep documenting your progress if you'ld like. Pics (b/a) are always more appreciated. Good Luck.


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I don't want to take finasteride/ propecia just yet

Yeah, usually we have to move up a couple of norwoods before we are ready to try something that is actually proven to work.