Is it possible to combine minoxidil with revivogen?


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I was wondering if there was any possible way I can combine the two. My idea is taking 30 ml of minoxidil and 30 ml of revivogen and putting them in one 60 ml bottle and mixing them up. Or mabe taking minoxidil pills and crushing them and mixing them in with revivogen. This would make it much easier for me since, I can apply them (which takes me 20-30 min for my diffuse thinning) both at one time instead of two times. Would any of their ingredients interact and cause one or the other to be ineffective?


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thats a good idea if it would work


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ive read, i think on this board that minoxidil is not so stable or effective when diluted with anything other than known scientific carriers like everclear.

but if you could do that it would certainly be a great treatment


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:eek: :freaked: :freaked2: :!: If I were you, assuming "you" to be a rational human being, I wouldnt dare dream of concocting such a minoxidil "moonshine". It clearly states on the label of revivogen that these two products do not interact well at all together and that they should only be applied MORE than 4 hours apart not to talk of swimming together in the same pool. Aside from what the label says is what I say from personal experience. Initially when I first tried revivogen I applied it to my scalp 30 minutes after my minoxidil application. Boy was that a friggin mistake, it felt like pure acid burning my scalp and the rev caused the minoxidil to be toooooo "absorbable" by my skin. My heart starting beating rapidly and within an hour or so my cheeks, hands and feet had swelled up noticeably. TRUE STORY!!! After things got back to normal I tried to stick to the stated 4 hours apart but sometimes the residue of either previous application would react with the other though not nearly as bad as previously stated. Revivogen at night and minoxidil in the morning is a fairly good regimen but never, ever ever, ever ever, in the same bottle. To me that just sounds plain B :hairy: N :hairy: N :hairy: S. But if you think I am in any way exagerating pls by all means be my guest, I have a feeling you will have a found a PERMANENT solution to your hair loss. Due to the fact that your rev/minoxidil mix would have turned your scalp to a walking sahara :freaked: . LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL...........cheers!


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I already did :lol: . I mixed a 50 ml solution by adding 1 ml of minoxidil followed by 1 ml of revivogen using the minoxidil dropper. The mix still looks and smells like revivogen. I applied it all over my scalp and even put spironolactone lotion on my receding hairline sections and had no reactions at all. Balder, the reactions you describe are also common when applying minoxidil and revivogen seperately, although I never had a reaction from minoxidil, and only once from revivogen on my forehead (from dripping). Regarding that 4 hour thing, I thinks it B.S. , because even on thier website they say that they shouldn't react : "Q. I am using Rogaine® and/or Propecia® and don't want to stop using them. Can I use Revivogen at the same time?
Yes. Revivogen is made of all natural ingredients that have no side effects and do not cross react with other medications including Rogaine® or Propecia®. You can safely opt to use Revivogen with other medications." I am only concerened about thier long term stability in that mix (especially the fatty acids in thier free radical form) because, a change in either one's stability might lead to thier ineffectivness. If you're applying them on male pattern baldness sections and it doesnt take you more than a couple of minutes, I would also stick to applying them seperately. Nonetheless, Ill keep you guys updated on how it works out.


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