Is it possible to reverse DHT hair loss?


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Look at this result with finasteride only, no minoxidil I don't think HRT is the only way to reverse hair loss, maybe the most effective but also carries greater sides/risk.
Yeah. I don't deny that and as I mentioned, especially among younger guys. Micro-needling can reverse things a little for most people.

Now with respect to sides/risk, I know what you mean if feminization is a side. But feminization is pretty straightforward. It's not as though it impedes orgasms or causes headaches and no, it won't make you just cry and cry at a drop of a hat. Now with some exceptions perhaps, it will temporarily shrink male parts enormously at the levels needed for hair growth and cause temporary infertility.

Now with the drop of two of my nice gentlewoman hats, then yes I cry. The short-run risks in terms of health are negligible and the long-run benefits health-wise in terms of longevity and looking younger and feeling younger are enormous. Thinking less about sex is absolutely a side effect of this except many of us see it as a feature. HRT in itself is wonderful and healing and the older one is, the more rejuvenating it is.

I gush indeed. HRT took me from a formerly attracted used up burnout and gave me my life and my looks back. So for the "I'm just in it for the hair" folks--come for the hair--stay for the rejuvenation and looks improvement effects.

Jane thanks Goddess.
