Is it true or not that transplanted hair is 'not forever'?


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Does it start to decay like the hair from the recipient site after some time (decade or two)? Or does it stay in place like if it'd've stayed in donor site?


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It is true that implanted hair doesn't last forever.

This is because a person with male pattern baldness - whose condition is brought about by excess DHT floating about - Will still have excess DHT floating about at the time of transplant, unless they're on finisteride and the like.

Look at Wayne Rooney. The guy had a very good transplant several years ago and he's already losing it. He's most likely not on any antiandrogen medication AFAIK because it'll effect his sporting performance.

I suppose it's a different story if you're on a maintained dose of an antiandrogen drug and then have the transplant. I guess in theory that'll last for a very, very long time?


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Come on, Wayne Rooney still looks good and I think the hair he's losing are the remaining hairs in the male pattern baldness region.

The hair at the back and on the sides is not affected by DHT. That's why it's called male pattern baldness, if all the hairs were affected, then it's just alopecia areata/universalis. So yes they'll last forever.

If you're on anti-androgens, those hairs will last until you start to get serious side-effects or want to have children, or propecia is taken off the market because of safety problems. So yeah maybe a long time since a some people here don't want to have children and the pharmaceuticals are greedy.
I think its been shown to be nearly impossible for finasteride to harm or otherwise effect a pregnancy? Too low a dosage to effect sperm or effect a fetus. It would take the woman receiving or otherwise being exposed to a dose of finasteride.

At least, that's what I've gathered.