is it true transplant last only couple of years


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no, they last a lifetime. if they die, it will be within less than a year after surgery, if they were not done right or cared for right in the first week. Often if they are not cared for or done right, they just don't grow out at all. Once they grow out, they are like any other hair on the sides of your head.


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don't scrub them for a week. don't use harsh shampoo. baby shampoo is best. don't wash them the first 24 hours. let the Doctor do it first. some docs recommend using salt water spray. keep your head elevated so it does not swell too much. get rest. don't lift heavy stuff or exercise. eat well. don't get them dirty. stay out of the sun or extreme conditions. don't bend over. don't push too hard when you crap or do anything that can make scalp muscles up there contract or blood pressure rise during the first week.

just common sense stuff.

the Doctor better have at least 3-4 people discecting your hair and only be working on one surgery at a time and better have good magnification for cutting the strips and have very small blades and do only micro grafts.


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If your lucky they look good for that long. Most guys end up looking worse and scarred. The transplant plugs stay and the other hair receeds. This looks freaky. So you must wear a hat or get more plugs. If you whatch these boards for a few years you will see.


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they are called micro grafts, not plugs. Plugs are available for anyone who does not do their research, and look like dolls hair.

Some people will continue to lose enough hair to leave a weird looking hair island. This is particularly true of people who just use propecia instead of the big 4.

The sides do have 5ar2, but just half as much as the hairs that are balding, and half as many androgen receptors. Head hair makes more 5ar2 and more androgen receptors as you get older, and may stay at a certain level for a while or progress faster, just depending on your genetics. If you look at the side hair of old men, it is thinner, even down by the neck. It just does not go completely away like the top does. Some old men are dense even on top. Propecia will help preserve your sides. And since folligen is so cheap, I apply that to my sides as well. It dries fast.

If you get big strip scars up high and go bald there later, you will have a scared look. If you get thin scars down low and keep most of your hair, you will not look bad.

If all your grafts are in your hairline and the rest of your head receeds, just shave your head. the graft roots will still frame your face. Again, you need a Doctor who can give you thin scars in back. And FUE probably is visible since no Doctor has close up pic even of BHT donor sites 3 months post op. I see no reason why they would not post those everywhere if they actually had any skill. And the back of the head donor sites will have even bigger scars. I'd rather have a thin line, which has much smaller surface area.


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people don't talk about it much as an option because we have limited donor hair, so it only works for NW3 and below who have stablized, or other NWs who are OK with it being thin or leaving the crown empty. Also, it is always best to grow your natural hair if you can. The regrowth time is just as long as the time it takes your grafts to grow out, if you are a responder to the meds. Also, you have to take meds even if you get transplants. and surgery is expensive. You need at least 2 sessions of $6000 unless you are just doing a very small area.


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Actually anything other than a microscopicly disected f/u is a plug. Most doctors lie to patients and even go so far as to show you microscopes. Basicly you are grafting skin with hair in it to another location.


IBM said:
\ I want head with full hair and very symmetric like 14 years old boys. Not full in some sides and half on other sides..

And how do you propose to get that without possible HM?


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I had a hair transplant and I don't look like a freak. In fact it looks very good and I guarantee you would not know it if you met me.

If you want hair like a 14 year old, your only option is a rug.

I contend that you would look like a freak with a head of hair like a 14 year old.


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yeah, I heard that many doctors do lie that they do microscopically disected work. a good way to know is if there are less than 4 or so people doing the disection and the procedure does not last all day. But you still don't know if they took long breaks while you are under, and did everything with plain eye site.

docs that do micro grafts use very small blades. if they have a big punch device, then you know they will put big pieces of skin in there.


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Gorpy said:
I contend that you would look like a freak with a head of hair like a 14 year old.

What???? I wouldnt look like a freak i would look like a 20 years old. And it would suit very well to my mind.


IBM said:
JayMan said:
IBM said:
\ I want head with full hair and very symmetric like 14 years old boys. Not full in some sides and half on other sides..

And how do you propose to get that without possible HM?

It's great effort doing a lot of surgeries to cover the head from time to time. Dont you think?

not great effort for you. all you do is sit there. but what's your solution?


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IBM, modern transplants done by one of the top doctors look very good. They are symetrical, balanced or any other complementing adjective you want to give. The only drawback to hair tranplants is that they are not extremely thick (like a 14 year old).

How old are you? If you are over 30, having a 14 year old's head of hair would make you look weird. If you want that, your only option is wearing a rug. Hair transplants won't and shouldn't give you a 14 year old's hairline.

By the way. Hair transplants do last virtually forever. Why do you think guys are still walking around today with ugly plugs they received back in the 80's, while their natrual hair has long since receded and left them exposed.


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it would not make him look weird, just a lot better looking than other guys, if he has a face and body to match. The only problem is you can't get that density unless you are only a NW2, and you still need to make sure the hairline is put in the right place, which will take a lot of research if you are as picky as I am.

hair transplant docs tell you that a "teanager hairline" looks bad on a 30 year old only because they know they can't give it to you, and they want you to feel more happy about the procedure so you will do it.