Is it wise to reduce DHT levels?


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I know it will help maintain or possibly regrow your hair but finasteride reduces DHT levels in your entire body, not just your scalp.

Is fooling with Mother Nature like this wise?

Anyone have links to some good scientific articles on the role of DHT in the body?

The articles can be negative, positive, or both.


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helpmefindmyhair said:
I know it will help maintain or possibly regrow your hair but finasteride reduces DHT levels in your entire body, not just your scalp.

Is fooling with Mother Nature like this wise?

Anyone have links to some good scientific articles on the role of DHT in the body?

The articles can be negative, positive, or both.

Run a search on Google main!


helpmefindmyhair said:
Is fooling with Mother Nature like this wise?

f*** mother nature, there is a fly that lays its eggs in a hole bitten into the back of frogs and toads, when the larvae hatch they eat their way through the toad, who has now become their first meal, the toad is alive until the very end of this 4 month cycle, that right there is mother nature.

Stopping your hair loss is f*****g with mother nature, a heart bypass is f*****g around with mother nature, every premeture baby kept alive by medical science who goes on to live a normal life is f*****g with Mother Nature.

Science is your only friend here.

Bone Daddy

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Jesus, just start popping the pills for god sakes. You finally get the balls to buy them, even have them in front of you, and your still pussy-footing around?


PS: Or give them to me, money is tighter than lindsey lohans rear about now, I could use them. :D


Bone Daddy said:
Jesus, just start popping the pills for god sakes. You finally get the balls to buy them, even have them in front of you, and your still pussy-footing around?

listen to Mr Daddy here, just take the fuckers, they are safer than a lot of things you probably take for granted.

* Propecia Kills about 0,000
* Aspirin kills about 2,000
* Tobacco kills about 390,000

(figures for the US per year)
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tynanW said:
helpmefindmyhair said:
Is fooling with Mother Nature like this wise?

f*** mother nature, there is a fly that lays its eggs in a hole bitten into the back of frogs and toads, when the larvae hatch they eat their way through the toad,.

Aye Ty!

Me lads I travel the seas. Ye havn't left ye mothers tit til ye sees an ole Scallywag carry his own nuts in a wheelbarrel. Elephantitis nay!! Not for the life of a pirate!! Arrrh!!

Is it wise to reduce DHT levels? Aye Aye Cap'n!!
Carry on lads...

hair mchair

Established Member
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Here's a study I posted a while back, if you're interested:

This study basically shows that DHT plays a role in the maintenance of penile tissue in rats.

This is the only study I've ever seen of the role of DHT in the body. There are probably others out there, just search around on pubmed or something. Post them here if you find any, because I'd be interested to read them too.

Good luck.


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Thanks hair mchair,

I'm not quite as trustful of pharmaceutical companies as most people seem to be. The drug industry is a multi-billion dollar BUSINESS. That alone is enough cause to be more careful about any drug you take. Their main objective is money. I think you said on the hairlosshelp forum that taking Propecia isn't like popping a multivitamin. Wise words. This stuff plays with your hormones. Millions of years of evolution should not be dismissed so quickly.

Let's not forget what recently happened with HRT (hormone replacement therapy.)

The shedder

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finasteride has also been shown to be a effective medication against prostate cancer, even if you don't have problems with your prostate But on rare occasions (less than 1%) some get the more aggressive form. I'll find the link for you.


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Capn Long Schlong Silver is a funny *** mo'fo!

Keep up the good work captain!!!

p.s. If you need any help from Tony Montana in taking care of any pirates that may come about and cause trouble hit me up main!


Captain Tony Montana.
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brasileirao said:
Capn Long Schlong Silver is a funny *** mo'fo!

Keep up the good work captain!!!

p.s. If you need any help from Tony Montana in taking care of any pirates that may come about and cause trouble hit me up main!


Captain Tony Montana.

Aye me matey an' pyraaate Cap'n of the future!!

Ye a notorious bloodthristy pyraate around these 'ere parts. Arrrh!! Ye be welcome to set sail with me band of fellar cutthroats an' murders aboard me ship the wh*** Princess. We set sail in the morn at ramming speed passed the shallow waters o' Leper wh*** Island and stop off at the fire spit'n Devil's Arse isle to bid farwell to one or two scurvy sons of scallywags. By sunset we drop anchor in the lass infested paradise of Grand wh*** Island.

All aboard!!

Cap'n Long Schlong Silver



Do you use Nizoral on your scalp and beard or just your beard?




helpmefindmyhair said:
I'm not quite as trustful of pharmaceutical companies as most people seem to be. The drug industry is a multi-billion dollar BUSINESS. That alone is enough cause to be more careful about any drug you take. Their main objective is money.


They need this drug to work or they don't make the big money.

They need it to be safe or they don't make the big money.

Bottom line is all they are interested in is your cash, and to get this cash they need a watertight product that won't kill people and end up in a class action lawsuit, It would also be a disaster for their shareholders to eventually have the product proven to have limited or little efficacy, sales would falter and department heads would roll, and if a couple of two headed babies turn up christmas bounus payouts are going to be way down on last year. I infact share your view that these people are nothing more than corporate money grabbing lackies, but I think if anything this makes them take extra prudent measures, if they had developed another 'propecia' that had double or triple the effect on hair growth but with significantly more side effects we would never see it, these people are not going to gamble with their porche collection or holiday homes for nobody.



I suggest you guys check this article out. I got it off of scottp999 who has been on anti DHT internals for 5 or 6 years.

scottp999 said:
I am thinking of switching back to 1.25 mg proscar from .5mg avodart. Been on avodart since dec 2002, I really don't think I have seen much benefit from avodart over proscar. Thinking about switching back. I really only saw major improvement when I added 5% minoxidil twice daily to the mix.

If I am seeing about the same results (was on proscar 1998 to Dec 2002) then why not have 30% dht left instead of 6-8% with avodart. DHT has to be good for something. I am thinking also that there are DHT benefits when working out as far as it helping build muscle so I would like to switch back and see what happens?

Has anyone else done this? Anyone want to comment on what they think might happen? Thanks.

scottp999 said:
But remember DHT is important to gaining the full effects of testosterone in muscle buiding.

I realize proscar raises test and avodart raises it even more but DHT plays a certain role in strength and size. See this article:

Also Tribulus is used by body builders to prevent testicular shrinkage, or a total shut down of natural test production during a steroid cycle. Usually a higher dose is used post cycle to help get full natural test production back sooner along with a couple of other drugs. This minimizes muscle loss at the end of a steroid cycle due to natural test production being shut down hard and taking weeks and weeks to recover.

Anyway, just saying that if avodart is not doing much for me above proscar than is 30% DHT better than 6-8% left over on avodart? Thanks!

Yeah the full article on the DHT and its purpose is right here.

And don't worry this guys is no wack job rhoid head.

Bryan said:
Thinning said:
Dude dont base you decision on some quack who has no evidence to support his claims. Do some real research on your own as to the side effects of avodart. That guy is just going on crap he heard in the gym talking to roid heads like himself. He isnt even a PHD, for all we know he dropped out of high school.

He has a B.S. in chemistry from the University of New Haven. Here's a nice little bio on him:

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tynanW said:

Do you use Nizoral on your scalp and beard or just your beard?



Ahoy me fellar lad,

Aye!! Me uses it fer inflammation on me beard, scalp and nuts!! Matey you be lookin' fer to purchase an ole wood wheelbarrel?

Carry on lad,

Capn Long Schlong Silver


Matey you be lookin' fer to purchase an ole wood wheelbarrel?

I take it, this was the one you transported your giant swollen nuts around with?
