is it worth it?


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this is the big question i've been asking myself: is all of this really worth it?

You know what i mean? especially considering that a lot of people here are in there 20's, when you don't have a lot of cash, you're not settled down, and you should be out living your life.

for example: if you're going on a camping trip for a week or two, are you going to bring your Rogaine applicator? if you want to do some traveling, some backpacking or something, are you bringing an extra bag for all your hair products and vitamins? instead of spending that extra hour in bed with your significant other in the morning before work or school, are you getting up to apply all this stuff to your hair? and think of all the money we could end up spending every year (and possibly every year for the rest of your life!) - money that could be spent on a plane ticket to see friends and family, concerts, tickets to a baseball game, whatever else you're into?

i don't mean to be harsh or anything, but have you thought of these things? is it really worth it? and this is without even getting into all the time spent worrying about it, obsessing over it, etc. i'm in the same boat as you guys, but i'm just wondering.....

some food for thought.


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For someone who is as active like your example, I'd have a hard time justifying a maniacal regimen.

For someone who has blamed all of life's shortcomings on his hairloss, effectively making it a global, convenient excuse for not being a man and getting out into life - not going out, not meeting girls, not making friends, not achieveing at work, not playing sports - I guess it may be worth it. Of course, this type of person won't leave his house anyway so I guess the camping scenario is unlikely.


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it's our hair and is part of our body. you wouldnt like to loose your theeth's do you?

i don't know IBM, i think there's a big difference between losing your hair and losing your teeth. your teeth are kind of essential - you need to chew your food to survive. if you lose your hair, you can continue to live a productive life no problem. i'm not saying i wouldn't like to get my hair back and that hair loss doesn't cause confidence problems, but it's not going to kill you or physically hold you back at all.

hairwegoagain - i agree with you, but you have to admit a lot of the regimes posted here are pretty intense....


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it takes me seconds to apply my minoxidil. i often do it at work while wringing up customers. they find it very intertaining. and popping a finasteride pill takes second. I'd leave the minoxidil and spironolactone and take my finasteride on a camping trip.

and i do get out, dispite my hair loss. they main reason I don't sociallize mroe is because almost all of the college students I know like to smoke and drink all the time, and I am not interested in that. I've been to 5 parties this year, and at each a woman made sure to tell me how old she thinks i look and ask me why i'm crashing the college party. I told her, "what? you think i look 30? well i think you look 31, so there?" she did not laugh. she had been serious. that's OK, because I sociallized with my neighbors downstairs instead, and went paintballing with them. the main thing stopping me from having fun with them was I procrastinated on my homework so much that I had to do it instead of see them sometimes.

my hair loss does not stop me from getting out and having fun. It just means that every time I talk to a woman and get her laughing, she avoids me after I tell her I like her, and says she just wanted to be friends. I've seen plenty of guys with 1-2 inch belleys get hot women just because they have hair and are tall, and one of my female friends wants to marry a many who was cheating on her with his live in girlfriend, and is still with her. She says she wants a guy with character, and that looks don't matter, but she won't date me even though i've been a good friend for 3 years, and she wants him instead. and i've seen this with many women. Personality is a factor, and we can come up with extreme examples if we try, but your looks and size and partially your money are the biggest factors.

If you look good, and a woman thinks she has a chance, she will focus on your good qualities, or invent many, and ignore your bad qualities. If she does not like how you look, she will ignore your good qualities, and if you ask her out, she will invent bad ones. and most of this is not deliborate either. men do it too. not everyone, but most people to varying degrees in various circumstances.


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comeandgetit is right though that hair loss is not the only problem we have. hair loss drops our appearance about a point on a scale of 1 to 10, at least for the NW3's. if we are in good shape, we can still get a woman whose appearance is an 8 or 7.5, but we are locked out of the 9 category and must work very hard to get the 8. i know i'd be very happy with a 7, and moderately happy with a 6.5. I can be in much better shape, but i've seen many guys in my shape or slightly worse shape get pretty women just because they are tall and have a full head of hair. I'm not letting this stop me from going to the zoo or rollerblading around campus at night or flirting with my customers. I'm just stating the facts and getting my grafts.


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[="collegechemistrystudent"]it takes me seconds to apply my minoxidil. i often do it at work while wringing up customers. they find it very intertaining. . ]

LOL. Do you really? That's hysterical :lol: :lol: :lol:


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i also eat burritos while running both registers and listing to my sister on my cell phone. i have to use hand jestures to get some people to walk up to the second register and tell me what cigarettes they want. and sometimes i brush my teeth. My boss can't fire me. too many new people quit, and i've been there off and on for 5 years and know how to do every task in the store. i talk to him like an equal and don't jump when he gets upset. i also show up to work 30 minutes late every day and he does not say anything. If he really needs me to be at work at a specific time, he'll explain the situation the night before, and i'll get there on time. One day when I missed a whole shift because i forgot I was working that day, he worked my shift and just said he was worried I had been hit by a car since this is not like me. but it is true. it only takes me 5 or ten seconds to apply minoxidil, and i don't need a mirror. the only reason i'd not apply it on a camping trip is i might get too cold or my dirty scalp might not absorb it or it would sweat out. I don't think missing two days is a big deal as long as you are taking finasteride, and you can miss a day or two on that. once i bought beano before paintballing and someone found it and it made for plenty of laughs.

money can make up for hair loss, and you can get dates if you lower your standards or 'keep your standards' by saying the women who turned you down are not good enough since they are too full of themselves.