
Is My Crown Thinning/am I Balding? And Is Losing A Few Short Hairs A Day Normal? (18m)

The Last Waterbender

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So yeah since a few months I notice that every day I lose a few short hairs a day about 3 cm or something. I have always had a high hairline with receding temples so I don't know if I'm actually receding. However, what concerns me the most is my crown and losing short hairs.

I already went to my doctor to see what's up with my hair, but she wasn't really that helpful. She just went through my hair for a little bit and said I had a lot of hair and she didn't see anything bad. She also didn't want me to prescribe finasteride because of the side effects...

I'm not 100% sure if this is balding but I'm really freaking out over it.

pic 1 - 3: hairline/temples
pic 4: crown, 10 min after showering
pic 5: crown, dry
. IMG_5434.jpgIMG_5438.jpgIMG_5440.jpgIMG_5486.jpgIMG_5488.jpg

Hemanth IN

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your temples angles 90 degree. but chill, look like you came to this condition from many yearly like atleast 5-6 years. If its receeding like that slow, no need any medicines.


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whats your family history of hairloss?