Is my hairline receding or what?

Hello My Name Is Mr Burns

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Hi everyone my name's Calum and I'm hoping you can help. I'm 31 if that helps and if I miss any important details in my ramblings, please ask.

I never noticed my hairline receding until I brushed my hair away from my forehead earlier today because it was really warm. I suppose I never noticed because my hair's very thick and I've always kept my fringe quite long, so I frankly never thought to check. Also no one in my family that I know of except for one of my uncles has had male pattern baldness (and while it's noticeable on him, it's not SUPER severe. It looks like he has a huge forehead lol, but he still has the hair on the top of his head and he's in his mid 60s, so he's kept it going for a while). So I kind of thought I'd lucked out and won the genetic lottery. But brushing my hair back I noticed I'm starting to resemble Vageta from Dragon Ball Z with a mean widow's peak, but I thought I'd check here first.

Honestly, it's not a problem if I am. If it recedes so far that it starts looking unsightly, I can buzz it closely (though not shave it completely). A friend of mine who lost his hair keeps it stubbly rather than shaves outright (think Jason Statham). I think with my dark hair it will look best just so there's some contrast between scalp and shadow stubble. But if I go the way of my uncle and I keep most of the hair on top AND by some miracle it stays thick, I can rock the David Strathairn look (I saw him in Nomadland last night and thought he looked good with his receding hairline) HAHA.

I was honestly hoping to get opinions on styles, opinions on whether it is receding or if I'm jumping the gun, ideas for the future etc.

I've included pics of my hair brushed back away from my forehead in the front and both temples and with it draped over. Excuse the white blobs, it's hair gel not dandruff HAHA. I only just bought it and I didn't realise it left white spots until I took the pictures:



