Is Nioxin worth a damn


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I just added nioxin shampoo to my regimen because it claims to remove DHT from the scalp. Does anybody know if the stuff really works or is it just another bull sh*t product.


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The general opinion here is that it doesn't do anything to stop hairloss, but it's a good shampoo and conditioner. Do a search to find out more


Established Member
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No, no no no no no no no it does not work. Propecia works, minoxidil works, Nizoral works. Nioxin is a big pile of sh*t, I used it for years with no results and then jumped on the Big 3, which is now working great for me.
I was running out of Nioxin and was at the point where I was questioning their product. I e-mailed them and asked if they would be willing to send me some free product to keep me a customer. They basically told me to f*** off. Not a sign of a customer friendly company that is concerned about the veracity of their product.
I'm not bitter, I just know snake-oil when I see it. Nioxin is a about as flaky as it comes. Expensive and ineffectual.


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I still like their shampoo and conditioner :)


Established Member
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I use Nioxin, but I think there shampoo is harsh. Maybe it's me, but I seem to have more hair fall out when I use it?
The conditioner feels really good, makes my hair fluffy and adds volume.