Is Nisim on to something? Some thoughts and my story...


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I've heard a wide range of postings about the product Nisim on this site. I have used it myself and I will discuss my use. But at first glance they seem similar to other snake-oil scams. They list all their ingredients except for a "Herbal Extract" which they say they have to keep secret, because it's not patentable. That sounds extremley sketchy. They have a study posted, but there is no way to know how truthful it is. They claim you have to use their shampoo and extract to gain hair and then just the shampoo to maintain hair. That is rediculous sounding.

However a couple of things about Nisim stand out to me.

1) They also have a product called Kalo which is a topical you supposedly use to inhibit body hair growth. Like Nisim, the mystery ingredient "Herbal Extract" is secret. If they did in fact find some natural topical hair growth ingredient that was an anti-androgen, it could theoretically block body hair growth too much like spironolactone lotion does.

2) They have an open forum where users can post questions and results. If they had no confidence in their product, would they do that? I've posted on that forum and it doesn't seem to be censored.

Here is my personal experience with Nisim:

I used the shampoo and extract product from mid 2002 to 2003/04 at ages 24-26. Before that, I had been using minoxidil for about a year and was basically maintaining my hairline and had some regrowth on my thinning spot. Then I found Nisim at random on the Net. My hair loss knowledge was VERY small (not that I know a ton now :) )otherwise I probably wouldnt have tried it). I also started oral Saw P. extract around the same time (hey, i didn't know any better). I honestly experienced my best results after starting Nisim and Oral Saw P. I had great gain in my hairline and temple areas and my crown thickened up nicely. You couldnt really tell I was thinning or receeding at all without looking closely or in direct overhead light.. Thinking that Nisim was a scam and my results were from Oral Saw P, I dropped Nisim in early 2004 to present and tried a wide range of other products from crap like Follicare to American Crew (which I still like and use) to dutasteride and finasteride (which i had to drop quicky). Since 2004, I've slowly gotten thinner in the back of my head and my temples and front have thinned. I'm still in decent shape though at age 28 but I am losing ground.

So, looking back, I wonder, did I have those great results in 02-04 from Nisim? Or is it becuase I'm 28 (just turned) now instead of 24-26? The only thing that makes me think Nisim may actually be onto something is that they have the body hair inhibitor product with nearly the exact same ingredients as the Nisim extract. The mystery "Herbal Extract".

With this in mind, I've added Nisim extract back into my regimine about a month ago. I also added Nizoral 1% recently as well as Crinagen from this site. The problem is, if I get good results I wont really know if its the Nisim, or the Crinagen or Nizoral. I've used Crinagen before but only 1 bottle. I'd try Nisim by itself, but if it doesnt work, I DONT WANT TO LOSE ANY MORE HAIR! Can you blame me?

So to test just the Nisim, I am applying it to a specific area on my chest where I have some body hair, following the exact same instructions they give for the Kalo product. I want to see if Nisim can inhibit body hair growth. That will give me some idea if this stuff is crap or if they might be onto something. I am plucking a body hair area next to the nisim test area to compare the growth.

I'll let everyone know how it goes. It's a long shot, but maybe, just maybe Nisim isn't a scam. Thoughts?


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I used Nisim shampoo and conditioner for about six months, and I liked the way it made my hair look and feel.

I still use the shampoo as a pre-wash (wet hair, put some Nisim on, lather quickly, then rinse off). The quick pre-wash cleanse prepares your hair for the real wash (T/Sal or T/Gel), so you get a better lather and penetration.

At worst, Nisim is just as harmless as a lot of store brought shampoos. At best, it's a good shampoo that may keep your scalp and hair clean enough to slow down hair loss.


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I'm not really using the shampoo anymore, just the extract. I don't buy their claim that the shampoo alone will do anything for you. Although the shampoo does contain the mysterious, secret, "Herbal Extract". I would think you'd have to actually leave the product on your scalp to get any anti-androgen effect.

I like the American Crew shampoo and conditioner and I am rotating it with Nizoral every 3 days.