is not working to take a half proscar, bi-daily?


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the reason I asked is because the first 6 months, being on proscar I took the doctors advice, and split it into two, and took it mon/wed/fri... with the weekend off..

then I started reading this forum, and realized I could divide into four, and take it everyday..

should I then consider the first half year of being on proscar as a total waste of time, as it has never worked at full effect?

So in reality, I have only been on proscar for half a year now, instead of a full year...? Is that why my hairloss is still getting worse, because it's only begun to work now...

or am I simply a bad responder...?[/img]


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very tough to say, because the only true data that we have is on taking 1mg a DAILY. there is no real evidence either way to say that taking 2.5 three times a week was beneficial or not. my guess, is that the fluctuations of taking it at those doses only three times a week would not be very effective, although you probably blocked some DHT, it didn't do you much good. definitely stick with it for another six months.


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that's what I thougt too.... I'm banging my head against the wall, for not doing this from the start.. but hey.... times is just a head:)


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guys... I am confused too.. i have been having around 1.25 of proscar for the past 5 months now and dont see any great difference from what it was before.. I have been using minoxidil too for the past 1.5 years. The frontline is receding and thinning has continued as well.

can anybody give me a better advice or should i wait and see if it gets better.. does it really take that long to work?


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Buffboy said:
sadhairloss said:
does it really take that long to work?
Yes. Give it at least a year. At least.[/i]

Thank you Sir. You think I should add something more to my regimen other than Rogaine and Proscar. I have heard a lot about copper peptides but I have no clue what they are, and where to get them. Is there a place online I can order nizoral 2%?
