Is now the right time for hairtransplant?


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I am a 23 year old male.

To date on had hairloss from hairline which has receded a good 2 cm from where it naturally should be. I feel this is thee most impacting hairloss as your hairline is always visible.

I am considering a hair transplant now to restore a stronger hairline and frame my face better. I have had a few consultations to date and by far the most impressive was with Dr Rogers at the Westminister Hair Clinic for FUE (although they are truelt expensive)

I am currently on Propecia and have been for past 6 months.

I was interested on what your thoughts were on my position and what the best course of actions should be as I am not happy with it at the moment and want to bring a soltuion to this so can get on with othrer things in life.



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Is now the time? No, it is not the time. Don't mean to be harsh, just realistic. 6 months of finasteride is not enough time to establish what the drug is going to do for you. Is it going to just stop your loss, is it going to regrow a crapload of hair, or is it going to do nothing? What's your family history of hairloss?

What has finasteride done for you so far? Are you seeing any regrowth yet? You get a hair transplant now and more hair falls off....what are you left with? An NW6 crown with a nice hairline?

23 is much too young. Hell, I'm 28, been on finasteride for over 4 years, and I'm STILL hesitant to go the hair transplant route because I just don't know how long finasteride is going to hold up for me, and my family history of baldness is VERY strong (80% of the males on both sides are Norwood 5 and 6).

hair transplant is a surgery, and a PERMANENT one at that. You need more than 6 months to decide, and then you need at least 6 months of research to decide on what to do and who to hire for the procedure.

Don't tell me, "What! That's way too long! I need a hair transplant before more hairs fall out!" If your hair is still falling out, then the WORST thing you can do is transplant hairs. Transplanting hair isn't going to prevent your other hairs from deciding that they'd rather die than live on your scalp any longer. Gotta stabilize that loss first!!!


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My Regimen
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Have you tried Regaine for the frontal part? If not, give that a go first. Rawtashk has given you some great advice and I know the lads who have had hair transplant's will agree with him.

Good luck either way.