Is one transplant enough for life?


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Say if I have one very good transplant that gives me the coverage I want. And I take propecia/avodart for life. Will that be fine or will native hair still fall out over time?


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prob not.
I have not had one yet, but going on another consult tonight and just got a call from the place i WANT to do it this afternoon.

From all told you WILL lose more hair. Its a life long descision like a tattoo. You will "more than likely" need filler down the line, but honestly each time will be less and less.

also depends on the amount of usefull donor hair but from reading and consults Ive learned body to scalp for donor density has come a long way and with hair multiplacation and this new procedure just announced last week Im sure donor hair will be plentiful in a few years......

fingers crossed.


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I think getting an hair transplant tat you like and staying on avodart/propecia and rogaine is as close to a cure as you can come to until an actual cure comes out.


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although it will last for life, you will probably require more eventually because you non-transplanted hairs that are predisposed to falling will continue to fall and you will need to fill those gaps in.
propecia helps make that slower... but eventually, it will still happen... hair transplant is a choice to make, if want to always have a head of hair and can commit to paying for further work if needed. I personally have committed to that and am very happy after my first hair transplant.