Is post saw palmetto syndrome real(pspm)?


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"Saw palmetto is a small palm tree native to eastern regions of the United States. Its extract is believed to be a highly effective anti-androgen"



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"Saw palmetto is a small palm tree native to eastern regions of the United States. Its extract is believed to be a highly effective anti-androgen"

Yeah but guys use saw palmetto for prostate relief from halting and starting one's urinary flow unlike females or trannies who seldom have problems with peeing even though they can't "whip it out" so to speak. Even a couple of trannies try saw palmetto but it makes little sense in a female context since like prostaglandins, it at best should help hair loss but seldom does in actuality.


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Was 9/11 an inside job?

Most of pspm is placebo, how can a plant be that powerful to inhibit functions


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Was 9/11 an inside job?

Most of pspm is placebo, how can a plant be that powerful to inhibit functions
Most meds are at least made in emulation of plants and folk remedies but no, none of them work for baldness except for estrogens discovered almost exactly 100 years ago. No guys used estrogen for hair since it was hard to get even for transsexuals and since everyone knows that estrogens grow boobs for years before they grow hair and you keep getting bigger and bigger in the bust if you persist in the quest for hair.


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Mental illness in a nut shell, look at his hair ffs, he's a dense nw1