Is propecia less effective if you dont eat enough



I started propecia in june 04 and for the entire summer i didnt eat enough cuz i was constantly goin to concerts and camppin and sh*t. Seriously it porblt avged 700-1000 calories a day. Since college started agin im eating much better and am currently goin through another bad shed, hoping that it justs the propcia bein more effective cuz im eatin healthier and not just me losin more hair


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Eating healthy can make a big difference on many aspects of your hair and also help you to tolerate certain drugs better (or help them be more effective). It really depends on the person in a lot of instances but every little bit helps.


yeh it sux, i wasnt eatin enough at all and i was a rail, now im expreiencing sheding now that ive been eaten enough lately, im just hopin the shed is cuz im eatin better now, givin the medicine a better chcance to absorb in my system better, thats basically what im hopin is the situation cuz sheedin 7 months after makin progress is very disheartening


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Truly you can't go wrong with a balanced diet. Eat healthy and you'll feel better from the inside out.


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bartman654 said:
yeh it sux, i wasnt eatin enough at all and i was a rail, now im expreiencing sheding now that ive been eaten enough lately, im just hopin the shed is cuz im eatin better now, givin the medicine a better chcance to absorb in my system better, thats basically what im hopin is the situation cuz sheedin 7 months after makin progress is very disheartening

Were you eating well before the summer started and then started eating healthy again in the Fall? I mean it's always *possible* the bad diet during the summer, if there was an extreme change, is causing the shed now as it takes around 3 months or so for the hair to show any effects of that nature.

male pattern baldness had been working on me really slowly for several years but I changed my diet drastically in the second half of 2003 and then diffuse thinning hit me horribly in around Feb-April of this year. I always wondered if it helped accelerate things. Of course, I was under heavy stress last year, too, so I imagine it was a mixture of things.


yeh, i was probly eatin better than in the summer before propecia, but in early june when i got on it is when i started not payin attention to how little i was eatin, there were a few days i probly only ate a pretzel and a cheeseburger, now since school started and i read all the info on these sites istarted eating much better, dropped minoxidil (on it for two months about) cuz i read shedding was a good sign, i originally thought i was just losin more hair. now im experiencing a shed in mostly the areas i put the minoxidil, but the rest of my hair is improving, it sux cuz i dont know if the minoxidil areas are gonna improve
o yea and im about 6 and 1/3 months in on my treatment so thats why im feakin a little about this shed


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bartman654 said:
minoxidil (on it for two months about) cuz i read shedding was a good sign, i originally thought i was just losin more hair. now im experiencing a shed in mostly the areas i put the minoxidil, but the rest of my hair is improving, it sux cuz i dont know if the minoxidil areas are gonna improve

Well, the 2 month mark is often when Min users see a shed anyway but I have no idea if that's long enough for Min to cause a shed by going off of it. For long term users, once they stop, the areas usually shed worse for a while but then eventually turn around after a couple months and are back at the baseline level.


ive been off the minoxidil for probly 4-5 months, im hopin that it gets as descent as it has where i didnt put the minoxidil on my scalp


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bartman654 said:
ive been off the minoxidil for probly 4-5 months, im hopin that it gets as descent as it has where i didnt put the minoxidil on my scalp

oh okay... then I would think that the Min shouldn't be hurting you this late if you only used it for 2 months. Did you use it in the areas that were the worst spots anyway?


yes i did use it in the areas that were the worst spots, that is another hope that im bankin on, that its just naturally worse on the left side and will eventually catch up even though i used the minoxidil on it for 2 months. im really hoping its just one more shed and will grow back thicker, some hairs i shed are thick and dark whereas others are less so and less healthy... this sounds like im buggin out buts its a real dillema to me right now cuz if my left side were as good as my right, i would feel much better right now


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bartman654 said:
less so and less healthy... this sounds like im buggin out buts its a real dillema to me right now cuz if my left side were as good as my right, i would feel much better right now

I'd say it's fairly common. I have an area towards the right side of my head that is thinner than the left and it was that way before I started treatment. :evil:


yeh hopefully things will get a little more evened out for us. male pattern baldness sux, especially when the pattern it follows is very unorganized. Thanx for all the input anny info i receive is greatly appreciated


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I am a college student on break looking to get into a very healthy diet.

But for the life of me, I seriously don't know exactly what this consists of...
I know fruits and veggies, and some meat, and some bread, and stuff.
I'm looking for very specific things in specific amounts.

Of course, someone will post with a joke one I'm sure so go ahead :)

But if someone can give me like a regimen of stuff in a week that covers almost all bases for a healthy diet, lemme know.


a key thing to eat is anything with omegga 3 fatty acids. this is in walnuts some fish like tuna and salmon, and in other foods. its good for your brain too


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worried said:
But for the life of me, I seriously don't know exactly what this consists of...
I know fruits and veggies, and some meat, and some bread, and stuff.
I'm looking for very specific things in specific amounts.

Really, the bottom line is to eat anything you want (as long as it's natural and, preferably, non-processed), just don't eat so much of it.
If you can afford it, start shopping from the organic section of your grocery for some items. Stay away from white breads and fatty meats.

If you want to discuss some actual meal planning, feel free to PM me. I am "heavily" into meal planning right now.
