Is Reflex Hyperandrogencity A Real Thing?


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People outside of hairloss talk say its just bro science. Is it even real? I’ve been ‘shedding’ for 3 months now.


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Is that hyper thing even real? People say its not but a small group of people say other wise
There is no scientific evidence that RHA exists. No studies or anything done to prove such thing. But, upregulation does in fact exist, and i did experience it a while ago.


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How do you downregulate ?
I wish i knew. But right now, as i am taking CPA, all those side effects reduced to being quite normal. Which means i couldn't figure out how to downregulate the receptors, so i had to reduce the hormone itself.


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assuming it exists its rare. Regulation apart from neurotransmitters should be marginal and re-regulate to baseline anyway . They've run castration studies on animals that have demonstrated this to monitor AR regulation.