Is regular physical activity after hair transplant required to have good result?


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Hi, so is there any opinion about this?Have your doctor told you something like that? I dont mean physical activity for first days after hair transplant which is prohibited, but I mean in comming weeks and months,mainly cardio. I heard that blood flow is crucial thing in terms of succesfull growth of transplanted hairs.

Is regular activity needed to support bloodflow for good growth or it should grow on its own regardless of physical activity?

I had hair transplant 4,5 months ago, but could not do much activity in following weeks and months and now I dont feel confident about the growth. So my concern is if I ****ed up to not support bloodflow much.


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wont make a difference. The growth basically just starts at 3 months so if at 4-5 you are seeing considerable enough to make other areas look dim Id say you are on a head start. After about 6 months is when you start seeing "noticeable" growth.
Mine just sort of happened. It was slow and like nothing one day then BAM there the next. Remember a watched pot never boils.


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4.5 months is nothing man. It won't start looking decent until 6-7 months in


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He should have some hair growth at 5 months for sure, but it won't be a lot. Each month about 10% comes out starting in the third month so only about 35% should be out. Exercise will not impact this.


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Ok guys, thank you. So far it seems there is consensus that physical activity shouldnt have impact I guess, which is important to me.

I will possibly make thread about my hair transplant as I think it might be helpfull to other guys with my level of hairloss, which is Norwood 5 at 25 yo. I had 2800 grafts which might be sort of a problem regarding the density itself.


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As for physical activity.

After FUT... id give it a good two weeks before you start lifting. Wouldn't want to potentially stretch the scar through any pull movements such as a pull up.

FUE..... after one week you're fine


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As for physical activity.

After FUT... id give it a good two weeks before you start lifting. Wouldn't want to potentially stretch the scar through any pull movements such as a pull up.

FUE..... after one week you're fine

I know, but the question was if physical activity was actually required(after the non excercies period after hair transplant) in order to get good growth- because of blood flow or it doesnt matter.


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I don't see it mattering to be honest.

if blood flow mattered then you wouldn't loose hair so easily around the temple followed by temple points. Every time you chew, your masseters and temple muscles bring blood to this area. if this theory was correct, than this area wouldn't be as DHT prone.


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Ok, thanks for input

Rizwan Younis

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Don't worry about it, It will took some time for growth of your hairs. And I also concerned with my doctor when I plan to have a hair transplant he told me you can continue your physical activities but after a week of your hair transplant surgery.


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Your scalp has a tremendous supply of blood available, whether you exercise or not.