is RU worth a try?


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I am really set of this idea to buy 10g of ru make a solutionand use it. Is there a lot of succes stories? Does it do the same thing that finasteride does only topicly? or does it do more?
Help me guys decide should I order it or not? I am at early stages of hairloss and want to do everything in my power to stop this madness.
I take finasteride, use nizoral 3 x week. Just started folligen and been using apple poly (tablets and spray) I feel like adding RU would complited my regiment wich I would stick to for a year
So is RU worth a try?


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Its hard to say if it does the same thing as finasteride but topically. As you are at early stages of hair loss and already using a number of products, i would suggest to hold up on RU. With your current regime you can certainly halt your hair loss (and even have some regrowth). I am not sure of many RU users besides a user called stax, who had success but he was using at least another 5 products so its hard to say. A few of us here are going to give it a go. So if it helps us (we should know by 6 - 12 months mark) and things arent getting better for yourself, then i would suggest for you to use RU.



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maybe you are right. Maybe I will hold on until you guys try it and see how it works.


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I don't think many ppl are trying it...ask collegechemistry student he probably is


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I'm selling hairhaircomeagain one of the 5 2g bags of RU I'll be getting, with a good vehicle, for $95, and seending him my green tea extract/ other extract for the other side. I'm sending goingat20 the same thing, except 4g of RU and more of the other stuff. I want to use 2g for myself as well.

My advice is to use 3.33%, 4 months, 0.5 mL, on a test spot that you can cover easily, on one side of your head, and use the GTE on the other side, and see which side does better. I'll charge you $100 in advance, when I get the RU.

Let me know if you are interested. Obviously if one side starts looking a lot better than the other, you can stop the experiment and use the better topical, but report it to us.


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Collegestudent I am on board. Will test it and see what happens and report back. Just pm me about info how would you like your payment to be received.


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collegechemistrystudent said:

I'm selling hairhaircomeagain one of the 5 2g bags of RU I'll be getting, with a good vehicle, for $95, and seending him my green tea extract/ other extract for the other side. I'm sending goingat20 the same thing, except 4g of RU and more of the other stuff. I want to use 2g for myself as well.

My advice is to use 3.33%, 4 months, 0.5 mL, on a test spot that you can cover easily, on one side of your head, and use the GTE on the other side, and see which side does better. I'll charge you $100 in advance, when I get the RU.

Let me know if you are interested. Obviously if one side starts looking a lot better than the other, you can stop the experiment and use the better topical, but report it to us.

I'm interested. Can you explain to me the process of creating the solution?


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the most conservative mixture is 50% ethanol 50% PPG, on places like These should not react with RU. Most people use 5%. That makes 100 mL with each 2g bag.

The stuff will clump up if any water gets in the powder before use, and heat speeds that up. That is why I'm not sure if I should make 4 months of solution at once or open half a bag and put the other half back. There is a lot of humidity where I live, so I'll probably do the first route.

Some people put it in minoxidil, for so they don't have to buy the chemicals. I will put this stuff in PPG, oleic acid, and probably ethanol as well. I'm not sure if I should add water or not. This is completely experimental and the company selling it has no directions. They just tell us some of the stuff other people have done.

I'm tempted to divide the test area up into 3 instead of two solutions, one being RU with the octyle salicilate and the other without. Maybe I should save that test for next time? The more RU that penetrates, the stronger the effect.

I think oleic acid will be a good penetration enhancer. I'm tempted to add octyl salicylate, but the more chemicals I add, the higher the chances of a reaction happening. I advise everyone to store their solutions in the refridgerator.

Old Baldy

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College: Could you explain to me why, if you're using dutasteride. internally and topically, you see the need to use RU58841?

From what I've read about dutasteride., I don't see how RU58841 could be better? I'll even go out on a limb and say it wouldn't be better than using topical dutasteride. only. What am I missing?

If we're both ok with systemitic absorption of dutasteride., what's the point of RU58841? (If it was cheap and easy to get, no problem though. However, it isn't!)

I mean, I'm just thinking you guys could spend your dollars better for other chemicals? If you're using dutasteride., that is.


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I agree that it is a lot of money. But since I'm slitting it, it comes to $20 per month for me, on a test spot. I just want to see what it can do compared to other topicals. That way, if nothing happens, I can just use the other topicals and rest easy knowing I'm doing all I can do. I'm sure RU combined with dutasteride will out perform dutasteride alone since dutasteride 2.5mg/day outperforms dutasteride 0.5mg/day. There will be no competition. The RU will take care off the testosterone as well, which is nice with the high levels in the scalp.

I'm really hoping the GTE does as well as the RU, and makes all my frontal hair thicker. If the RU is much stronger, I'll buy it, but the price will bother me a bit. But if the results are good enough to see a difference, it will be worth it. I'll carefully define where the test spot is so I apply it in the same place each time. I just hope the other RU users do the same, and pick a symetric spot so they know if the RU did it.