is saw palmetto interesting in your opinion?


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is saw palmetto interesting in your opinion?

Hello everyone, I am a 19 year old Frenchman, I take finasteride, pumpkin seed seeds, and nettle root extract in addition to brewer's yeast, and I wanted to know if the saw palmetto helps against AAG, I have read that it will inhibit DHT by up to 30-35%, is that true?

Clearly, by taking my finasteride, plus adding saw palmetteo, I will inhibit DHT as much as taking dutasteride!

How much do you think I should take (quantity) ?

I am on 1 gram of brewer's yeast + 1 gram of nettle root plus 1 gram of pumpkin seeds every day.

La fina inhibits type 2, 5 alpha reductase at 69%, taking these other dietary supplements, how much do you think I am?

thanks for the responses


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Clearly, by taking my finasteride, plus adding saw palmetteo, I will inhibit DHT as much as taking dutasteride!

How much do you think I should take (quantity) ?
That is not how it works. Taking Finasteride will make Saw Palmetto useless because Finasteride is more powerful.

La fina inhibits type 2, 5 alpha reductase at 69%
Where did you read that ? Finasteride inhibits 5AR (as a whole) at 70%, but it is specifically a 5AR Type 2 and Type 3 inhibitor, meaning it inhibits 90%+ of both 5AR Type 2 and Type 3, while it has negligible effects on Type 1. Which would mean that the 30% of DHT that Finasteride leaves, comes from 5AR type 1.


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That is not how it works. Taking Finasteride will make Saw Palmetto useless because Finasteride is more powerful.

Where did you read that ? Finasteride inhibits 5AR (as a whole) at 70%, but it is specifically a 5AR Type 2 and Type 3 inhibitor, meaning it inhibits 90%+ of both 5AR Type 2 and Type 3, while it has negligible effects on Type 1. Which would mean that the 30% of DHT that Finasteride leaves, comes from 5AR type 1.
how you say that bro ?
that's interesting, but if i add serenoa repens with my finasteride, i will inhib more my 5 alpha reductase no ? rather than only with finasteride you know ?


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how you say that bro ?
that's interesting, but if i add serenoa repens with my finasteride, i will inhib more my 5 alpha reductase no ? rather than only with finasteride you know ?
No, because Finasteride is more potent than Saw Palmetto. Adding Saw Palmetto on top of Finasteride is useless.

I'll give you an example, adding Finasteride (which inhibits 70% of DHT) on top of Dutasteride (which inhibits 90% DHT) doesn't mean you will be inhibiting 160% DHT.. Since Dutasteride is stronger than Finasteride, the stronger drug always wins and your DHT will be 90% inhibited regardless if you stack finasteride with dutasteride or just dutasteride alone.


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what i want to say is that by taking finasteride + saw palmetto i can inhibit 80% instead of 70%?
No, because Finasteride is more potent than Saw Palmetto. Adding Saw Palmetto on top of Finasteride is useless.

I'll give you an example, adding Finasteride (which inhibits 70% of DHT) on top of Dutasteride (which inhibits 90% DHT) doesn't mean you will be inhibiting 160% DHT.. Since Dutasteride is stronger than Finasteride, the stronger drug always wins and your DHT will be 90% inhibited regardless if you stack finasteride with dutasteride or just dutasteride alone.


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what i want to say is that by taking finasteride + saw palmetto i can inhibit 80% instead of 70%?
Maybe..If Saw Palmetto inhibits 5AR Type 1 more potently than Finasteride, then you can get a bit more of DHT inhibition with Finasteride + Saw Palmetto. However, i wouldn't bet on it.

Armando Jose

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well it's certainly interesting to see it still being relevant


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You think it's a good choice ?
Not exactly. Sure it's got some 5AR Inhibiting effects but at basically 1/100 of Finasteride's. Not even. 99% of these natural products are a waste of money and time. I had my fair share of naive, hopeful natural approaches, including Saw Palmetto, but none of them even improved my hair aesthetically.
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Not exactly. Sure it's got some 5AR Inhibiting effects but at basically 1/100 of Finasteride's. Not even. 99% of these natural products are a waste of money and time. I had my fair share of naive, hopeful natural approaches, including Saw Palmetto, but none of them even improved my hair aesthetically. (except for Castor oil which I'm currently on, which speeds up growth rate, no regrowth or miniaturization prevention though)
i use finasteride too


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Not exactly. Sure it's got some 5AR Inhibiting effects but at basically 1/100 of Finasteride's. Not even. 99% of these natural products are a waste of money and time. I had my fair share of naive, hopeful natural approaches, including Saw Palmetto, but none of them even improved my hair aesthetically. (except for Castor oil which I'm currently on, which speeds up growth rate, no regrowth or miniaturization prevention though)
You think if someone has super mild androgenic alopecia, saw palmetto could stop it?


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You might as well use finasteride if you are going to use saw palmetto


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You think if someone has super mild androgenic alopecia, saw palmetto could stop it?
First of all, I wouldn’t trust any kind of androgenic alopecia at this point. If I could go back I’d hop on finasteride at NW1.

As for Saw Palmetto and similar natural/experimental treatments - it’s better you hear it here and now:
they’re a waste of time, money and hair. I’ve come to learn that balding is such an immense sink of time and life, especially looking for a cure on forums. Just micro-dose finasteride up to the highest dose you can tolerate and move on with your life.
(If it fails or u can’t handle it: quickly get some labs to cross out any thyroid/hormonal issues then start minoxidil + dermarolling to buy u some time until ur old enough for a transplant.)
It’s not worth all this pain and time. Ik i kinda rambled on but it’s the most solid/true advice you’ll hear on here until around 2025-2030, when something substantial might come out.


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First of all, I wouldn’t trust any kind of androgenic alopecia at this point. If I could go back I’d hop on finasteride at NW1.

As for Saw Palmetto and similar natural/experimental treatments - it’s better you hear it here and now:
they’re a waste of time, money and hair. I’ve come to learn that balding is such an immense sink of time and life, especially looking for a cure on forums. Just micro-dose finasteride up to the highest dose you can tolerate and move on with your life.
(If it fails or u can’t handle it: quickly get some labs to cross out any thyroid/hormonal issues then start minoxidil + dermarolling to buy u some time until ur old enough for a transplant.)
It’s not worth all this pain and time. Ik i kinda rambled on but it’s the most solid/true advice you’ll hear on here until around 2025-2030, when something substantial might come out.
I was going to ask about Zix or Topical dutasteride but I think I already know your stance on that. Even with a transplant, you would need some sort of anti androgen and if one gets sides on finasteride, IDK what else they would do but try alternatives.


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No, because Finasteride is more potent than Saw Palmetto. Adding Saw Palmetto on top of Finasteride is useless.

I'll give you an example, adding Finasteride (which inhibits 70% of DHT) on top of Dutasteride (which inhibits 90% DHT) doesn't mean you will be inhibiting 160% DHT.. Since Dutasteride is stronger than Finasteride, the stronger drug always wins and your DHT will be 90% inhibited regardless if you stack finasteride with dutasteride or just dutasteride alone.
No. It's not interesting. It was interesting back in 1995 when I first heard that it was "good" for the prostate and it actually can be good for this because unlike hair loss, which is either/or, prostate analysis can be improved in a given direction and perhaps provide relief for BHP. It won't do anything for your hair if you are like 99 percent of the people trying it.

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