Is scalp itch a normal/common symptom of hairloss??


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I am experiencing thinning hair/hairloss and it got worse
about 2 months ago when i started to developed scalp itch.

This scalp itch seemed consistent even with Nizoral, thou
it could hav been worse w/o it,

Is this normal?
I mean, is it normal/common to develop consisten scalp itching
for hairloss sufferers???
This seemed worse to tolerate than hairloss...


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I believe that some people do experiance some itiching on the scalp due to hairloss, although im not definiate about this. I would suggest that you book an appointment with a medical professional that specialises with the scalp and hair(usually a dermatologist). Derm's usually cost more to see than a regualr doctor so have a think about this before you go and spend your money on the doctor for this information.

If you do see the derm, write down a list of questions you would like to ask them, the more information you provide them the more they can help you. Also i suggest you ask them where to get some good information on hairloss including what to watch out for in terms of scam's and some legitimate medical journals or websites with documents published by doctors.

Good Luck with your hairloss