is shampoo the best carrier for GTE?


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Maybe we should shampoo fast, then keep our scalp wet under the faucet, the just lightly dry off excess water, and put green tea on our heads.

A 1% solution would be nice, but spreading it would not be easy unless we use like 6-7 mL of a 0.25% solution, so it would be like the shampoo, but without all the other chemicals. You leave that on your head for 5-10 minutes while you get ready, then you rinse your hair out. Done. No shampoo solubility issues.

My baby shampoo is too dark to see through, so I think it is good. And that was from mixing and letting it sit 5-10 minutes and mixing some more. A pain though. I think I'll use both methods.


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Why would mixing some GTE into baby shampoo be hard?

Just put some powder i and shake it up. Put it in the fridge, then shake it up some more a few hours later. It should all mix in alright I would think.

I also think putting a topical on after shampooing only to have to rinse it out again is a hassle, or will end up being a hassle. I like the idea of shampooing once or even twice a day.

You could even wet your head under the tap in the sink. Lather up and sit down and watch some TV or read or something for 20 mins then jump in the shower. Could even by a shower cap to even further help increase absorbtion.


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good point's blaze. The GTE dissolved. I was just impatient when I wrote that while waiting.

I'm using the GTE shampoo. As for wetting your hair and watching TV, I think water and ethanol would be less harsh on your hair than the detergents. Lathering just spreads it around. Why not use 5mL at a lower concentration to spread it all around?

I think as long as my hair is still somewhat wet when I towel it again, it will look like I just got out of the shower. No hastel there.


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why a shampoo? Maybe a conditioner would be better choice


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Matgallis said:
why a shampoo? Maybe a conditioner would be better choice

a topical is even stronger. I shampoo because it is not messy, and takes no extra time out of my day.


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how about brewing some very concentrated green tea and using some of that as your final hair rinse?

Would GTE dissolve in oil?


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Just made some GTE baby shampoo yesterday. 2 grams and let it sit overnight. It was pretty much dissolved evenly in the shampoo by morning.

This was a lot less messy than when I tried to make a GTE topical. Man, that stuff stained verything it touched permenantly. It was crazy.