Is shedding a good sign ?


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Hi All,

I took action about 2.5 months ago, I started taking finpecia and decided to take it slow and hopefully minimise the sides, So i started with .025 per day. All was going fine, didnt have any real sides bit ot nut ache for 3-4 days. So 2 weeks ago I decided to up the quantity to .5 per day, but I recently started shedding!!! really got a fright this morning after my shower when I looked in the mirror all I could see was scalp !! :shakehead: :shakehead:, but I know from reading stories that this happens before growth ! ( I hope )

So is this a good sign that maybe the finasteride is starting to work ? I really hope so!

any advise to stop the shedding or support would be great !


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maverickf-14 said:
Hi All,

I took action about 2.5 months ago, I started taking finpecia and decided to take it slow and hopefully minimise the sides, So i started with .025 per day. All was going fine, didnt have any real sides bit ot nut ache for 3-4 days. So 2 weeks ago I decided to up the quantity to .5 per day, but I recently started shedding!!! really got a fright this morning after my shower when I looked in the mirror all I could see was scalp !! :shakehead: :shakehead:, but I know from reading stories that this happens before growth ! ( I hope )

So is this a good sign that maybe the finasteride is starting to work ? I really hope so!

any advise to stop the shedding or support would be great !

Usually yes.

In some cases I think some people seemed to shed, shed and just keep shedding. However they usually panicked and chucked the treatment in the bin so the overall effect wasn't possible to measure.

I'm currently going through a bad shed at the moment, i'm staying strong and keeping faith that it'll all grow back.

The way I look at it is this...

Does healthy thick hair suddenly fall out and never come back? No, it slowly miniturises over time until it becomes so thin and weak its basically gives up the ghost.

So if you look at the shower, or in your hands after washing hair and you see what look like "normal" hairs that have come out, then the likely hood is they will grow back, and as you're on treatments they will more than likely grow back thicker than before.

I'm no expert but thats my take on things.

The main thing to remember is that to see the best results you need to keep on a product for about 12 months. Ride out the good and bad times and make an evaluation at the end of it.

Dont just give up due to bad shedding as more often than not its a good sign (IMO)


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Oh and for god's sake take pics of your journey!!!

I never realised how good my hair looked until I compared pics at base, 6, 9 and 12 months.

If you dont document it this way you'll never know if its really having an effect or not.

I honestly can't stress the importance of this


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Does all of your old hair have to shed off before you start growing new one? This is where finasteride confuses me b/c doesn't it effect your whole scalp unlike Rogain where it just effects the area where you applied it to?


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cheers Ajax,

I have taken pics before i started 3 months is coming up so be interested to see ! althought this shed may be a lil off putting to compare to !

thanks again !


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maidstone said:
Does all of your old hair have to shed off before you start growing new one? This is where finasteride confuses me b/c doesn't it effect your whole scalp unlike Rogain where it just effects the area where you applied it to?

I really want to know this as well.