Is shedding bound to happen?


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I've been on Propecia for almost two months and Rogaine since Nov or so. Ever since starting Propecia, my hair loss has decreased dramatically. I have yet to experience any noticeable side effects, so hopefully at this point I will not have to worry about anything.

What I am slightly worried about is this shedding that I've read about. I guess my question is this: will the use of Rogaine help deter the shedding or at least the severity of it? Should I expect a shed no matter what?

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It seems to be that shedding, although it happens naturally anyways, seems to happen about 60 or 70% from the posts I have read from this forum. It may be happening to you now but it may not be noticable. If you are one of the lucky ones that can avoid counting hairs all over the place then you may never notice that it happening at all.

I just concluded month 2 on Propecia/Nizoral/Folligen(1 month there) and from what I can tell my natural progression of shedding and or loss has slown down. There are two places I pay attention to for falling hair: my pillow, which has dropped by about 50% and the bathroom sink where I comb my hair each morning, which has gone from about 10 hairs down to 4 or 5. Some of them may just be getting caught in my existing hair since its getting longer but it still makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside :lol:

goodluck, stay positive and stick with it.


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I noticed my hairline losing a bit more than the last month, but maybe that's because I've been using rogaine on that area of my head. Or maybe it is a shed. Who knows...

Anyway, thanks for the replies. If there are any other opinions out there, I'd love to hear them!


strandbystrand said:
It seems to be that shedding, although it happens naturally anyways, seems to happen about 60 or 70% from the posts I have read from this forum.

Let me qualify this!!

People tend to go to forums with a problem to solve.

Peolple don't tend to post on forums with messages like "hey guys, today I had no excesive shed, infact I have never had one, how are you all doing"

Forums are heavily biased towards the negative, this is commonoly recognised.

Go and sit in your doctors waiting room for a couple of hours, see how many people who pass through are feeling fine and have no need to see the doctor.

I personally think shedding (non-natural excesive shedding) occurs in a minority of minoxidil/finasteride users.


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tynanW said:
Let me qualify this!!

People tend to go to forums with a problem to solve.

Peolple don't tend to post on forums with messages like "hey guys, today I had no excesive shed, infact I have never had one, how are you all doing"

Forums are heavily biased towards the negative, this is commonoly recognised.

Go and sit in your doctors waiting room for a couple of hours, see how many people who pass through are feeling fine and have no need to see the doctor.
Maybe this should be written on top of every page of the forum. :p