Is some chest pain normal while on finasteride?


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I was reading through some earlier posts and I noticed alot of people have said that some minor chest discomfort is normal while on finasteride.

Is this true? I've been having some discomfort in my chest area. Barely noticeable but it is there. My chest looks normal so far. What causes this pain? Does it go away after a while? Anyone experience something similar?

Sorry if I sound like a broken record with all the people asking about gyno already but it's bad enough losing hair so early I don't want a big set of titties in addition.


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Yeh it can happen,
I had it for a few months on and off and it seems to have stopped now.
BTW Im talking about chest pain (probably liver or other tissue) and not a gyno pain.


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Beacuse its a chest pain behind your breastbone.

I had some breast tenderness and soreness in the first few weeks and that felt different and actually where breasts would be and on the side of my ribcage.