Is The Balding Gene Getting Stronger?


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All of my friends are going into NW2 territory at 20.


I got DPA (intact NW2 hairline but thinned out)
My friend is starting to go into NW2V.
My other friend is losing his temples/crown.
My girlfriend's brother is losing his temples.
Another friend of mine has diffuse thinning and since his hair is curly it's noticeable.
And one of my childhood friends (no longer in touch with him) has lost his temples completely and now has the classical cowlick on the back of his head.
And finally, a friend of mine is NW5 at 20.

Meanwhile, our fathers had the earliest signs of balding at 30/40 years old.

Is the balding gene getting stronger? At this point if nobody cures this sh*t, balding will become the norm.

The new evolution of man. Everyone bald!

I kinda like this, at least i have some company. It would suck to be the only one balding among my peers.

Cue Bald

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i work where there are kids aged 16 - 19

every single one has a thick NW1... in the 10 years i have worked there, i have only seen one kid who was a NW3 by 19, this is out of 2000+ students

Señor AIDidaS

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Out of everyone I've grown up with, only myself and one other guy have had hair problems.


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Bad news: the balding gene is getting stronger

And my hair is getting thiiiiinnneeer.



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No, you're just noticing more. No doubt our hormones are getting out of wack sooner but with male pattern baldness the follicles get triggered to miniaturize at a certain time in your life or they start miniaturising right from the get go when you hit puberty and DHT starts attacking them.

What I'm saying is that you never had a chance, if your follicles were programmed to miniaturize they will.

That Guy

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I'm not sure I agree that this is simply cognitive bias. Even my grandparents have commented on how it seems like there are a lot of younger guys going bald sooner than they remember. I notice more younger people who are balding than even among my high-school grad class from six years back.

There is no shortage of studies that have at this point basically proven that children are going through puberty at a much younger age than previous generations due to better nutrition among other things. It stands to reason that if you are destined for male pattern baldness and have more DHT sooner in life, that DHT will also become a problem sooner in life - potentially with more ferocity than if you had developed later. However, I can't seem to find anything about it so I'm not sure a study has ever been done on the subject. It would be interesting to know if there is indeed a link.