Is their a reason propecia or finasteride isnt over the counter?


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I would just think at this point it would be over the counter, the side effect seem pretty minimal if any, plenty of OTC drugs have similar side effects.


If finasteride was avaliable over the counter it would be abused by people who have little reason to be taking it for either male pattern baldness or BPH.

Within weeks of it's de-regulation kids would be smoking the stuff in 'hair clubs' set up in seedy back rooms up and down the nation.


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Merck Co. the makers of Propecia, would love to get Propecia over the counter but the FDA has not approve the drug to be so because some health issues that propecia has. You have to be over 18 years old to take it so, thats one, an other would harm an unborn baby. Which some people taking the drug does not know about. Even through there is not scientific proof that really happens.


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If a woman gets some finasteride in her system (i.e. handles broken tablets or pops a pill) when she is pregnant. Finasteride has no effect on sperm quality/motility.


too bald too furious

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drinkrum said:
Finasteride has no effect on sperm quality/motility.


Referring to the article on by Dr. Lee, theoricatically its possible that that Finasteride's presence in sperm may effect the baby's development, but the chances of that happening are very rare, but havent been ruled out though. This is one of my major concerns before starting Finasteride, which I really want to.


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nexus81 said:
drinkrum said:
Finasteride has no effect on sperm quality/motility.


Referring to the article on by Dr. Lee, theoricatically its possible that that Finasteride's presence in sperm may effect the baby's development, but the chances of that happening are very rare, but havent been ruled out though. This is one of my major concerns before starting Finasteride, which I really want to.

Couldnt you just get off it for a few weeks and let it get out of your system before you would possibly want to have kids.


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I think if your girl gets pregnant you should stop dumping loads into any orfice of her if you are taking finasteride. Especially the ***.

The other reason it is not OTC is because if screws up a prostate cancer test.