Is there a hairpiece only for a "spot"


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Hi guys and sorry for my bad English but I'm not an eglish-speaking.

So my question is can a hairpiece be applyied only on the bald spot.
The reason why I'm asking is bacause I wear a hairpiece/s/ for about 6 years now, but it covers my entire upper head including vertex.
Since I'm bald only 15-20 square sm behind the hairline /something like NW5 without problems in vertex/ I was thinking is there a chance for me to wear a "lighter" system? I didn't buy my sistems till now , my hairdresser did.
Now my system is attached with a method I call "entangling"- my existing hair is made like a small rope and the system is stitched to it.
Hope you understanding what I'm trying to say.
Thanks for the halp in advance. :blush:


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A hairpiece can be made to any specification that you want it to be.
It should only be attached to your balding area,either with glue or tape or both, and leaving as much natural good hair as possable intact.