Is there a natural alternative to Finasteride?


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Saw Palmetto?

Apple Polyphenols Extract?

Is there anything that is safe and "natural" that has been documented to halt hair loss like Finasteride?

Or is it all bunk and snake-oil?!

Any thoughts appreciated.

Nashville Hairline

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Its not all bunk and snake oil but none of them can match finasteride (when it works) for results as far as I can tell

johnny b

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put it this way if there was a natural alternative we all would use it.fact is only drugs work.


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finasteride is so good that it gives you sides!


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Redhill said:
Saw Palmetto?

Apple Polyphenols Extract?

Is there anything that is safe and "natural" that has been documented to halt hair loss like Finasteride?

Or is it all bunk and snake-oil?!

Any thoughts appreciated.

definitely not one of those.

We don't know of any natural product that is as strong as a pharmaceutical.

If you find a natural product that is kind of effective, companies will figure out what chemical in it is effective, and will make just that chemical, at 95% instead of 2%.

Use finasteride if you can. If you can't, I'd use the experimental 98% pure EGCG in a topical. It has small human studies to back it up, though they did not say just how much hair was grown. It was enough for the subjects to notice, but we don't know what the long term effects are. I don't know if it compares to spironolactone though.


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Redhill said:
Is there anything that is safe and "natural" that has been documented to halt hair loss like Finasteride?

Are naturally derived treatments safer than synthetic ones?


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Could be unhelpful and contradicting at best, and a waste of money, not dangerous though.

Yes the herb and natural world is great but for christ sake who knows how much you should take and what exactly is it you are taking, good luck!

For example. How about a study that shows exactly how much saw palmetto or Pygeum I should take to inhibit a certain amount 5ar or DHT. Does it inhibit type I and II? If you want to sell your herbs and supplements to me, then you have to give me some definite answers dammit all!


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Saw Palmetto inhibits both forms of 5AR, whereas Finasteride only inhibits type 2.

All this "natural is better than synthetic" talk is BS.


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brentx said:
Saw Palmetto inhibits both forms of 5AR, whereas Finasteride only inhibits type 2.

All this "natural is better than synthetic" talk is BS.

Yeah right! Finasteride does it job so good that it giving you sides! You wanna inhibit both form? take dutasteride. Why taking something that you have no idea it is working? How much mg or grams you need to take of Saw palmetto to get the same results as finasteride? Have you ever seen any guys having good results with Saw Palmetto?

Seriously..go with something that work! why bother with other crap?

synthetic or natural what is the difference? Just need the right molecule? WTF people?


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squeegee said:
Yeah right! Finasteride does it job so good that it giving you sides! You wanna inhibit both form? take dutasteride. Why taking something that you have no idea it is working? How much mg or grams you need to take of Saw palmetto to get the same results as finasteride? Have you ever seen any guys having good results with Saw Palmetto?

Seriously..go with something that work! why bother with other crap?

synthetic or natural what is the difference? Just need the right molecule? WTF people?

I was just saying that Saw Palmetto blocks both forms of 5AR, NOT that it was an effective treatment.

I agree with you 100%, especially with the "synthetic or natural what is the difference" bit! Both can be effective, and both can be potentially dangerous - you just need the right molecule.

finasteride wins over Saw Palmetto any day - for results and possibly safety too.


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ive been taking saw palmetto since i started my regime 20 months ago. i was taking saw palmetto, finasteride and minnoxidil 7%. i still take saw palmetto but think that it is not doing any good, i want to stop it but i am also worried it is saving what i have left and if i do i will lose the lot. does anyone else think it is doing me any good?
i had to stop taking finasteride after about 9 months due to bad sides. i got a really, really weak bladder. i still get this occasionally and it is horrible. i thought it was because of the finasteride i use to take. it cant be the saw palmetto because it has no sides, right???
also, my hair is rapidly falling out again and was thinking of adding topical spironolactone. does anyone have any experience with this? does it have any sides? also, will it be hard to add to my regime as i already put minnox on every night?

thanks for the help.


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In mice, black tea was found to be more effective than finasteride at reducing DHT. Too bad it's never been tested in humans. Such a simple experiment.


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epictetus said:
In mice, black tea was found to be more effective than finasteride at reducing DHT. Too bad it's never been tested in humans. Such a simple experiment.

I think it also depends on where the DHT is reduced. Someone else will know more about it than me, but I think I recall reading about how some treatments reduce serum DHT quite substantially, but not so much the DHT found in the hair follicle.

Not sure if it's as simple as that, but I think I'm on the right track..


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What brand they tested for the study? So many kind of Black Tea. I am trying to drink a cup or 2 a day but have not idea if I am drinking the right stuff lol


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I dont get what people mean by "natural" I mean every single thing you use is natural somehow. The periodic table of elements is mostly natural types of atoms so aside from the man made types which were also made with materials that are in nature everything we have is natural. If drinking green tea, or eating apples, or something like that stopped hairloss propecia would not exist because no one would ever buy it.


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epictetus said:
In mice, black tea was found to be more effective than finasteride at reducing DHT. Too bad it's never been tested in humans. Such a simple experiment.

Serum levels were reduced but DHT levels in tissue were higher meaning there's a higher uptake, probably the same in hair follicles to? Receptors might become more sensitive to it and that would lead to why the lower serum levels.

I had an interest in this a while back and I came to my own conclusion, my profession is in forensics which doesn't at all make me an expert on this, but it did allow me to better form my own opinion on some of this stuff since there's so much out there that contradicts one thing to the next and a lot in misunderstanding how the body works and when reducing something in serum levels is very misleading.

Also with something that really is reducing DHT(finasteride)- over time your body will try to compensate and produce a higher amount of it and your just making your body try and produce more DHT to compensate for whats being supressed.

England has an unbelievably high rate of balding men, also there national drink (black tea) is consumed like people drink Pepsi in the U.S., and my personal experience drinking it everyday for a while was it seemed to leave my forehead very oily in the mornings.

I don't wanna tell you I know this or I know that, but this is what I know for me, and I don't mind sharing a bit and people can decide what's best for themselves.


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Also with something that really is reducing DHT(finasteride)- over time your body will try to compensate and produce a higher amount of it and your just making your body try and produce more DHT to compensate for whats being supressed.
My only problem with your logic is why do finasteride users have success. It (finasteride) would in theory (yours), produce more DHT, yet finasteride users still see success.

England has an unbelievably high rate of balding men, also there national drink (black tea) is consumed like people drink Pepsi in the U.S., and my personal experience drinking it everyday for a while was it seemed to leave my forehead very oily in the mornings.
Think you meant coke, but anyway, the mice in the study drank that day and night every few hours. I don't think anyone there in the UK is consuming that much. I for one would go bananas only having one thing to drink.