Is There A Way To Treat Hair Loss From Adrenal Fatigue?


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I've had a lot of strange symptoms lately. After much research it seems I have adrenal fatigue. My hair shedding is very intense. I can reach up and with one grab, easily remove about 10-20 hair with no effort. Hair is shedding from my whole head. I've been being trying to eat to balance my insulin levels and it's seems it's helping the front of my hairline to grow back a bit, but at the same time my hair is still shedding.

Is there an all natural direction I should take? Would propecia help this kind of hair loss?


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Can you post pictures how your hair looks?

What is your family history of hair?

How long have you noticed your hair loss and do you have balding areas or recession?

Have you done anything that could have stressed your adrenals extremely recently?

To answer your question--Propecia helps when DHT is causing an inflammatory cascade in the hair follices. Telogen Effluvium caused by drugs, stress, etc. is not caused by DHT.


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Can you post pictures how your hair looks?

What is your family history of hair?

How long have you noticed your hair loss and do you have balding areas or recession?

Have you done anything that could have stressed your adrenals extremely recently?

To answer your question--Propecia helps when DHT is causing an inflammatory cascade in the hair follices. Telogen Effluvium caused by drugs, stress, etc. is not caused by DHT.

Thanks for the reply. Um, I guess I can try to take pictures, but I have Body Dysmorphia, so I hate even pointing a camera at myself. Might take a while to build up the courage to do it.

My moms dad lost his hair in his 40s, he has the horseshoe. My moms mom has some brothers with hair loss and some without it, but I've never met them. Everyone else in my family history has had full hair their whole lives. My dad, his entire family (3 brothers and father), my moms dads dad.

My hair recessed at my temples a few years ago. Up until recently my left temple hasn't changed in a long time. My right temple is in a cycle of almost completely growing back and then shedding. Earlier this week I changed when I eat, so my insulin wasn't shooting up and down. Some hair started to grow back at both temples. My hair however is badly shedding everywhere, even my donor area and on the sides, where no one in my family has ever lost hair. I do know it all started to go wrong after using this organic shampoo that seemed to make the whole texture change from thick to thin, as well as giving me a thick buildup of white stuff on my scalp.

I also have a random thin patch that is missing from my left sideburn, and from the back on my donor area.

I used ketoconazole shampoo for a few months. But that didn't do anything and only made the shedding worse.

Edit: as far as stress goes, I have severe Body Dysmorphia and anxiety. Like so much so that I can't go in public anymore. Except I go to therapy once a week.

Also I have noticed an increase of unwanted facial hair at times, maybe that has something to do with DHT?
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Thanks for the reply. Um, I guess I can try to take pictures, but I have Body Dysmorphia, so I hate even pointing a camera at myself. Might take a while to build up the courage to do it.

My moms dad lost his hair in his 40s, he has the horseshoe. My moms mom has some brothers with hair loss and some without it, but I've never met them. Everyone else in my family history has had full hair their whole lives. My dad, his entire family (3 brothers and father), my moms dads dad.

My hair recessed at my temples a few years ago. Up until recently my left temple hasn't changed in a long time. My right temple is in a cycle of almost completely growing back and then shedding. Earlier this week I changed when I eat, so my insulin wasn't shooting up and down. Some hair started to grow back at both temples. My hair however is badly shedding everywhere, even my donor area and on the sides, where no one in my family has ever lost hair. I do know it all started to go wrong after using this organic shampoo that seemed to make the whole texture change from thick to thin, as well as giving me a thick buildup of white stuff on my scalp.

I also have a random thin patch that is missing from my left sideburn, and from the back on my donor area.

I used ketoconazole shampoo for a few months. But that didn't do anything and only made the shedding worse.

Edit: as far as stress goes, I have severe Body Dysmorphia and anxiety. Like so much so that I can't go in public anymore. Except I go to therapy once a week.

Also I have noticed an increase of unwanted facial hair at times, maybe that has something to do with DHT?

It is really hard to say without pics. You do not have to take pictures of your face, just your hair. You can crop out your face.

Are you taking meds for your mental issues? What spurred on feeling so bad you can't leave the house?


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I recommend you stay away from finasteride if you have bad anxiety. If you take finasteride and you end upbwith sides then your body may crash and your anxiety will be off the charts. Seriously. Some here will say I'm fear mongering or whatever but I'm just saying what has happened to many many people. Manu people also get no sides. But if you already get bad anxiety then I would say you are predisposed and will probably get it much worse when eventually quitting the drug.


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I recommend you stay away from finasteride if you have bad anxiety. If you take finasteride and you end upbwith sides then your body may crash and your anxiety will be off the charts. Seriously. Some here will say I'm fear mongering or whatever but I'm just saying what has happened to many many people. Manu people also get no sides. But if you already get bad anxiety then I would say you are predisposed and will probably get it much worse when eventually quitting the drug.

I started at .25mg and think this is a good dose because it is effective but may inhibit less neurosteroid conversions so think the side effects are a lot less.


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I started at .25mg and think this is a good dose because it is effective but may inhibit less neurosteroid conversions so think the side effects are a lot less.
I did the same. The anxiety was really bad for me when I quit.


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Well most people do not experience that so maybe the OP will not either.

I'm trying to be positive as much as I can as upsetting as it is losing hair in your 20s. But i am thankful I have any growth on my temples even if it's just a little at this point. I hope it stays. I've been praying a lot about it.

I also have gilberts syndrome. I know finasteride works in the liver. So idk if that would clash or not. Although I've heard some guys say their Gilberts syndrome symptoms disappeared once they went on finasteride.

As far as anxiety that seems like it's a slippery slope. I suppose I could ask the specialist I'm hoping to see, as well as my primary since he treats my anxiety. Maybe saw palmetto would do something? Or is it's hair benefits not worth the risk of sides since it's not as powerful as finasteride?


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I'm trying to be positive as much as I can as upsetting as it is losing hair in your 20s. But i am thankful I have any growth on my temples even if it's just a little at this point. I hope it stays. I've been praying a lot about it.

I also have gilberts syndrome. I know finasteride works in the liver. So idk if that would clash or not. Although I've heard some guys say their Gilberts syndrome symptoms disappeared once they went on finasteride.

As far as anxiety that seems like it's a slippery slope. I suppose I could ask the specialist I'm hoping to see, as well as my primary since he treats my anxiety. Maybe saw palmetto would do something? Or is it's hair benefits not worth the risk of sides since it's not as powerful as finasteride?

Saw Palmetto may work but most likely not. Finasteride is good at targeting the DHT production in the follicle, which is where the main issue lies. We do not know if Saw Palmetto does this or how good it is.